If you are holding the dog, then you have to do the best you can to warn kids not to pet him.
When you are outside walking, there is a way to practice.
check out this video (fast forward to 13:40 time mark)
since you are the one that the dog seems to focus on, it is you who needs to leave the room. Not both of you. He/ she should stay in the room keeping an eye of the children and completely ignoring the dog.
You can practice this in the bedroom or any small room, and simply get out to the living...
Nope.. not even in New Jersey. Mantis is not listed in endangered species list.
It has never been illegal to kill a mantis in any state.
and I believe what you have caught there is indeed Tenodera Aridifolia Sinensis (chinese praying mantis).
Look at their abdomen. If there are 6 to 7 segments...
yes. try leaving the room completely. if he cry and whimper, don't pay any attention. Also, it is imperative for the other person not to pet or reward him during his 3 - 5 minutes time out. Just tell them ahead of time :)
I am assuming you are familiar with the NILF method (Nothing In Life is Free). Basically, it means that for every praises or rewards no matter big or small, you have to make the dog work. Even if it just a light pat on his head, make him sit/ do some sort of work. Never give him free praise...
Like Kinyonga said, ceramic heaters are basically a bulb that emit heat only. Ceramic heater and heating mat are two different things.
Here is what ceramic heater looks like:
BUT, seriously, I do NOT see any need for heating at night AT ALL considering that you live in CA. I have never...
are they seriously selling katydids? isn't there some legal issues in selling one in US?
if i am mistaken, sign me up. I bet my chams would love these..
actually, if the temp goes below 50F, then you can turn on ceramic heater.
Otherwise, you should not turn on any lights at night. Contrary to popular myth, chameleons can see red light. By turning it on, you might have inadvertently disturb his sleep. Also, a ten degree temp drop in temp at...
The Dominance theory (ranking in a dog's pack) is very flawed. Forget everything about Cesar Millan. One of the controversial things that Millan do, among other things, is the poke around the neck and pinning the dog on the floor to simulate dominance over the dog. Doing that might work in short...
Time to move them to a separate cage. Any sign of aggressiveness is a warrant for it. separating them at 2.5 month or 3 months is quite a normal practice.
try hornworms.. they contain serious water contents. Much more so than silkies. The only draw back feeding hornworms is how much juices get squirt when your cham's mouth chomp on one.
jdub, since you live in CA, you might want to downgrade the 100 watt bulb. I live in LA, and 100 watt gets way too hot for my chameleons. The highest bulb I used is 75 watt. Now that it summer, I often turn off the heat lamp at noon to achieve the ideal temperature for them.
I am not sure if...
Chameleon often shy drinking in public :). I have mine for years and the only time I saw him drinking is during his first day in my house.
With that said, once in a while, a yellow/ orange urate is fine.
But, if you keep seeing your chameleon poops yellow/ orange urate, then it's time to bump...
Just when I started to get bored from coming to reptile expo (although I still keep coming for buying supplies), then they do this. :):):)
I can't wait to see chameleon's stuff and basset hound's stuff at the same time.
both is my passion. I will definitely b there.
Syn, i am not sure if someone has mentioned this (I admittedly did not read the whole thread:o:o)..
But, your steinernema feltiae can also help. There is another nematodes that far more active than feltiae.
If you can find in your backyard where the ants' nest is.. then in the morning, early...
I am all for real plants. on top of the possible blockage from accidental consumption, plastic plants does not add humidity and the silk type absorb water. So, chameleons that used to lap the dew on the leaves for hydration might not have enough water to drink.