Separate cages at 2 1/2 months?


Avid Member
These are ambilobe babies at 2 1/2 months old. I separated 3 larger males from 3 smaller females yesterday and put the males into a 16x16x30 screen cage with lots of cover and small branches. I have noticed that 2 of the males that were housed together as recently as yesterday morning are now turning dark and flaring up at on another from across the cage. The 3rd larger male is staying in the lower branches away from all of this but the 2 are occupying the top area cage staying on opposite sides of the cage from one another. Do they need to be in their own cage immediatly or should I just wait until they are used to the new screen cage? thanks for any advice.
personally if they are showing signed of aggresiveness towards eachother id split them up individually.
Time to move them to a separate cage. Any sign of aggressiveness is a warrant for it. separating them at 2.5 month or 3 months is quite a normal practice.
Fuego is prolly around a month old if not younger and he trys to bully nieve around.
I seperated them as soon as I saw it
U dont want any un wanted injuries, even if they are so small, you never know
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