LOl yea Im pretty sure I do have to many , I stopped breeding chameleons for that reason :D now Im stuck with about 20 adults :eek:. I love all my animals and they get great care and attention but when Im ready to send off a leaf tail ill keep you in mind
Part of the family, if everyone would just learn to get a long now .
Accidental litter of my Pet Dumbos when my Gf left the males and females open one night. Just opening eyes today great lol
Little guy skip I rescued from cat along with 2 others robins in the same week
doesn't take long about 15 mins of exposure to start synthesizing D3 , Id keep my chameleons out as long as possible and as much as possible given the right set up and where you live
So whats your take on it. I been breeding chameleons and uroplatus geckos for past few years with ups and downs. In the end its been for fun , learning experience , challenges and I really do love the geckos and chameleons never been about the money. Ive never really cared about the money but I...
I dont know about them bumps but his poop doesnt look good at all. I see you have him in the shower thats good . Get him plenty of water in between showers if possible.
They grew up together and hang out together I guess lol , I have never had any issues with them together ever . Some of the most relaxed panthers. These are all sub adults and the adults don't free range with them as I don't trust what possibly could become a snack.
Looks like 7 girls...
They love to sleep together, not always in that tree lol and yes they free range together but not all the time .. Mustlovereptiles set up some pretty sweet homes for them. shell have to post some pics. Chameleons have taken over the dining room now and have their own living room was well. We...
Heres few pics havent been on lately still doing my thing though.
Hatched baby gecko out last night
Mossy Leaftail
Some Growing Chameleons Ambilobes
I found him on the pumpkin in the window.
Home Depot Hitchhiker Found in plant in Ohio. In my living room.
Thanks Everyone. Yea Jann cant believe its been so long since I have actually logged on.These little guys are a great and excited to be outside. Hopefully Ill get some more pics of the Chameleons next couple days.