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  1. beavesss

    Im real curious

    Why are senegal chameleons so hard to breed?:confused:
  2. beavesss

    panther chameleon issue ASAP URGENT THANKS!!!!

    Take him here Brooklyn Park Slope Animal Kind Veterinary Hospital 365 7th Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11215 Tel: (718) 832-3899 Bronx Stephen Katz, VMD Concourse Animal Hospital 2356 Grand Concourse Bronx, NY 10451 Tel: (718) 933-1002 Website Comments: DD - He knows his stuff and didn't...
  3. beavesss

    Dangerous Wood Type?

    pine is poisonous and i don't know if you are scavenging or not. Also where I live in AZ there are Palo Verde trees which are toxic to animals if consumed.
  4. beavesss

    Something is Wrong Please Help me

    you were right about the spur it fell off today but he is looking worse his eyes are sunken and his spine is showing so i am taking him to the vet tomorrow
  5. beavesss

    Something is Wrong Please Help me

    he doesn't use probes to sex them. He uses the spurs on the hind legs but mine only has one spur. He also breeds emerald tree monitors so I'm going to assume that he can breed these too. I also spoke to him about my set up and and he told me that everything seemed to be correct
  6. beavesss

    Something is Wrong Please Help me

    I bought them from a reptile store and the owner breeds them and has been for 2-3 years now. all of them he has bred are kept together in a large enclosure he informed me that they are docile and he has never had an issue with them being housed together like some of his other chameleons. They...
  7. beavesss

    Something is Wrong Please Help me

    I recently bought senegal chameleon and i have had for about 4 days now on the first he acted fine he ate and drank. But now he not eating and is sleeping a lot very slow i dont know what to do i plan on taking him to a vet unless i dont need to Chameleon Info: Chameleo Senegalis believe to...
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