Something is Wrong Please Help me


New Member
I recently bought senegal chameleon and i have had for about 4 days now on the first he acted fine he ate and drank. But now he not eating and is sleeping a lot very slow i dont know what to do i plan on taking him to a vet unless i dont need to

Chameleon Info: Chameleo Senegalis believe to be a male 5 days
Handling - once or twice a day
Feeding - Feeding him cricket with flukers gutload food/water stuff he ate for crickets
Supplements - I used Reptilife and reptical / d3
Watering - ive seen him drink i use a had pump mister and mist until the hygrometer reads 65%
Fecal Description - He has pooped once and it looks the same as the larger females
History -none

Cage Info:
Cage Type - He & the female share a 18x18x24 terrarium with a screen panel on the frontbelow the glass door and on the top
Lighting - I use repti sun 5.0 compact bulb with an aluminum dome
Temperature - I use a 60watt ceramic heater and have high of 78 lo of 72
Humidity - had pump mister and mist until the hygrometer reads 65% I use a Hygrotherm and a separate hygrometer
Plants - all artificial
Placement - located near a window a vent across room is in front but fins angled away cage top is about 5 ft of ground
Location - I am located in Tucson Arizona.
Senegal chameleons are almost always WC, and very difficult to acclimate. Are these your first chameleons? First of all, they should not be in glass. You need 2 screen cages, one for each animal. They should not be housed together. You should NOT be handling them. AGAIN-Senegals are usually WC and very stressy. What are you measuring temps with? Senegals should be kept somewhat on the cooler side. Basking no hotter than 85, ambient low 70's. You need a UVB light-and the ceramic heater is worthless for general basking. Chameleons associate white light with basking heat. A regular 40 watt bulb would suffice. Again-they should not be together and they should not be in glass. Senegals also seem a bit sensitive to supplements-so you need to do some research. These are certainly not a chameleon to start with.
I recently bought senegal chameleon and i have had for about 4 days now on the first he acted fine he ate and drank. But now he not eating and is sleeping a lot very slow i dont know what to do i plan on taking him to a vet unless i dont need to

Chameleon Info: Chameleo Senegalis believe to be a male 5 days
Handling - once or twice a day
Feeding - Feeding him cricket with flukers gutload food/water stuff he ate for crickets
Supplements - I used Reptilife and reptical / d3
Watering - ive seen him drink i use a had pump mister and mist until the hygrometer reads 65%
Fecal Description - He has pooped once and it looks the same as the larger females
History -none

Cage Info:
Cage Type - He & the female share a 18x18x24 terrarium with a screen panel on the frontbelow the glass door and on the top
Lighting - I use repti sun 5.0 compact bulb with an aluminum dome
Temperature - I use a 60watt ceramic heater and have high of 78 lo of 72
Humidity - had pump mister and mist until the hygrometer reads 65% I use a Hygrotherm and a separate hygrometer
Plants - all artificial
Placement - located near a window a vent across room is in front but fins angled away cage top is about 5 ft of ground
Location - I am located in Tucson Arizona.

First I am not being mean I am trying to help.

Don't hold him. He needs a couple weeks time without anyone bothering him. After he settles in, he should be held only when necessary.

What are you feeding him? I think that says crickets that are gutloaded with flukers & water crystals, is that correct? Crickets should be feed kale, collards greens, more of that sort of thing.

For supplements you need to use mostly plain calcium.

You want to try hand misting until he drinks, try to mist him more that the terrarium. I know you don't want to soak the terrarium but your cham needs to drink.

The terrarium you have is for one of the chameleons you have not 2. You need a second cage or terrarium.

The compact bulb is not good, you need a long tube style.

I am not sure about the temps, I would need to look up if they are correct or not.

If you put real plants in the terrairum it will help a lot with the humidity.

Most of all, don't hold him and get his his own cage asap. You said the female is bigger, that is most likely stressing him. Unless you want to lose your boy get him out of the stress of a cage mate and all the holding. jmo

This is just the first step to correcting your husbandry.
I bought them from a reptile store and the owner breeds them and has been for 2-3 years now. all of them he has bred are kept together in a large enclosure he informed me that they are docile and he has never had an issue with them being housed together like some of his other chameleons. They are my second chams ive had my first died after i had him for a year. The reptisun is next to the heater and they both like to bask under it. they dont like to stay far apart from each other if i move one or the other away from the other they go right back to each other.
How well do you know this reptile store. I am HUGELY doubting that he breeds Senegals as they are EXTREMELY difficult to breed. Your cage is too small for even 1 chameleon, and they should NOT be housed together. You should quarantine all animals prior to any introduction. Your new cham is not acting right as you said. This could be stress from handling, stress from being in with the other cham, or stress and illness from parasites.

A "food for thought" item. You said "thought to be male"??? If this guy is an expert he would know what he sold you.
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he doesn't use probes to sex them. He uses the spurs on the hind legs but mine only has one spur. He also breeds emerald tree monitors so I'm going to assume that he can breed these too. I also spoke to him about my set up and and he told me that everything seemed to be correct
he doesn't use probes to sex them. He uses the spurs on the hind legs but mine only has one spur. He also breeds emerald tree monitors so I'm going to assume that he can breed these too. I also spoke to him about my set up and and he told me that everything seemed to be correct

Senegals do not have tarsal spurs, so that proves the guy is a moron. Snakes and chameleons are totally different.

His saying your set up is right makes him an even bigger moron.

Not trying to mean. You are not the first person taken by a Petstore. Senegals go for around $20.00 usually-so I hope you did not pay much more than that.

If you want to save the animal, get it and a fecal sample to the Vet.
I was sold a female with the promise that yes, I could put her in with my male and it would be just wonderful. I did. And, they seemed to hang out together. Then it went sour. My female ended up dying. It was ugly. I don't want you to go through that. Regardless of anything, it's safer to separate them.
Are you sure they aren't veileds??

Nobody I know has CB Senegals....they are very difficult to get to reproduce in captivity.
he doesn't use probes to sex them. He uses the spurs on the hind legs but mine only has one spur. He also breeds emerald tree monitors so I'm going to assume that he can breed these too. I also spoke to him about my set up and and he told me that everything seemed to be correct

Unfortunately he's probably telling you what you want to hear. Unless he can demonstrate to us that he is really breeding Senegals (???!!!) he's not reliable. Even if they do turn out to be veiled chameleons they can't be housed together.
you were right about the spur it fell off today but he is looking worse his eyes are sunken and his spine is showing so i am taking him to the vet tomorrow
Recommend you listen to Julirs if you want your chams to survive. Based on my knowledge and this forum and the fact i just lost a precious chameleon after doing what we thought was correct and wasn't, listen to the expertise here. My humble advice. Good luck.
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