I use the zilla soil and it's holding form really good it jus that she's digging all the way to the bottom and then when she gets there she keeps tryin to dig she's a flapneck
I use the flukers digital thermo and hygro and my house stays at around 74 and it reads 82 to 84 all day in the cage theirs no signs of dehydration can u find a 5.0 that fits the cage size I have 24x18x24 I would post pics but I can't cause I do all this from an iphone I live in Texas so air...
these past couple days I've noticed my chameleon jade push her eyes outward when she does it they look like their bout to come out of her head . She doesn't look or act sick more does she have any signs of bein sick her cage temps stay 80 to 84 in the basking end and in the mid 70s on the cool...
we got another cage and she's starting to look better she's eating more and is more active than she was thanks for ur input sorry my phones been cut off so I couldnt reply cause of it . I don't have a computer so I do all this from my phone
Me and my boyfriend have two chameleons jade and scarlet we bought them together and they don't have any problem being in the same cage. They are sisters and we got them from a breeder that did not want them anymore they are flat neck, but I'm worried. Jade eats all the time but I only saw...
my flapneck chameleon jade has been crawling on the sides of the screen cage for the past couple days but she's not crawling on or around the bottom all the time she ttys to crawl up higher most of the time I have somthing inside her cage for her to lay eggs in but she hasent been exploring it...
I bought chameleons from a pet store near me and they called them flathead chameleons have u ever heard of anything like that . I did reserch and nothing came up I think their female veiled chams but I'm not shure I can't post pics cuz I do this from my iPhone witch doesn't alow my to do that...