I thought ya'll might like to see my boyfriend of 4 years and I celebrating our anniversary! We went to a little German town a state over. Lots of fun if anyone every happens to be in Georgia I would definitely recommend it. (Helen GA)
posting more pics of the actual town give me a...
Just to cover a few more bases are you sure of your husbandry? A few pictures of your chameleon would also help just to make sure there's no obvious problems causing the lack of interest in eating.
No is the safest and easiest answer but there are exceptions.
I suggest if you really want chams together get a pygmy colony. BUT if you truly feel the need to own chameleons together use a large free-range. Males and females will breed male on male may fight so females together would be...
I agree further age descriptions would be good; however, because age and species ect effect how long the animal will live it seems like it would be hard to say a chameleon should live 8 years while in fact a female veiled may only live 3-4 while a male may live a few longer...
Thanks Y'all :)
Jann- Yes she's due for checkup soon. I always feel better after the vet looks her over. Their lifespan is way to short I agree. Especially for our sweet veiled females.
Clair is now getting up in her years for a female veiled chameleon. She still has a vice grip and eats/ basks like champ but I've noticed she's set in her spots and doesn't travel near as much when she was younger.
I was wondering how yall's chams have changed as they have aged? There is...
I personally keep mine in a room so I just shut the door when I'm not around. They can get under doors so I block the underneath it. If u put trees around the free range but nessarly apart of it, they tend to just wander to the other trees. I let clair walk around my room all she wants and she...
Is this chameleon sleeping or is it closing its eyes during the day? My phone may not be displaying properly but if it day time your chameleon should never be sleeping. Are you also sure of the sex? If not post it in identification section. Glad your into chameleons and hope you enjoy the hobby...
This is the most valid post this thread has had to offer;Your thoughts greatly reflect my own.
-We need to be realistic but positive in rehoming and selling chameleons. Bad things happen and we can never really understand other people. Try not to be cold and negative to one another, we all...