I was just saying to my Mom yesterday that when there are epidemics like this, they should just stop all flights. Period. To me it seems like people are choosing convenience over common sense....I completely agree with you Psychobunny!
How is she doing now?? She may have inhaled some mucous or saliva which would explain the difficulty breathing after you got the mealworm out. I would still take her to the vet even if she improves, just to ensure there is nothing else stuck in there and that there is no severe damage to her...
I had the pleasure of meeting the gorgeous Gizmo, albeit briefly, when I chose my little Flint. He was truly a stunner, and very much loved. I am so sorry for your loss Hoj, but take comfort in the little ones that he gave you and in your happy memories of him.
My thoughts are with you and...
You've been given good advice. He looks good - and adorable :D
I have a little Panther and he too snuggles up to his favourite leafy spot about an hour before bed time :)
I am so sorry for your loss as well - poor little Siren. You did everything you could. I have been reading the thread since your first post and was rooting for her. My thoughts are with you :(
I am only speaking from my experience, but I was also in a rush when I set up my original enclosure for my 5 month old chameleon, and as such ended up moving him into a much larger and completely new enclosure two weeks after I got him. I debated for a few days before doing that because I was...
I'm so very sorry for your loss. I'm glad you have a way of coping - it was a beautiful video.
I'm sure he is thoroughly enjoying his infinite hornworms in Cham heaven :)
I am sure that others will have better and more detailed advice - but for now, I can tell you that Phoenix worms are a good option for chams with MBD as they are very high in calcium.
Good luck!