how soon to rearrange cage


New Member
hey guys. had my baby cham in his cage for about 2 months now. how soon is too soon to redo the foliage and branches in his cage? i was kind of in a rush when i first set it up, so ive gotten lots of better ideas and want to change it up and make it look better. is it too soon?
I am only speaking from my experience, but I was also in a rush when I set up my original enclosure for my 5 month old chameleon, and as such ended up moving him into a much larger and completely new enclosure two weeks after I got him. I debated for a few days before doing that because I was worried it would cause too much stress, but he took to it beautifully. I let him have a wander in it for an hour or two the few days before moving him in there full time, and then moved him in on the fourth day. He was eating and drinking that first day, and exploring like crazy. He seems to love it :) Like I said, this might not be the best advice as I am not very experienced, but I would say if it will be beneficial for him, go for it!
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