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  1. J


    They are adorable...especially Roo! Great name, too.....:D
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    Open Air enclosure build thread

    The reef tank looks great, too! Wish I had a room to display all MY 'living art'...very cool!
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    Silkworms take my stress away!

    Gosh, Chrisandpugs, I wish I'd known about the shredded carrot thing before now! My '100" small silkies ate up their 1/4lb dry food in about 2 1/2 weeks. Of course, they got huge, too...way too big for the brevs...but I traded a bunch for 1000 crickets (that are still going). The rest slowly...
  4. J

    not using tongue now neck is swelling

    You may have already checked this, but look on the health discussion section of the forums and there is a "stickied" thread with links to veterinary resources. Check one or more of these for a vet in your area that SPECIALIZES in reptiles and amphibians. Maybe the person you already saw says...
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    Nasty yucky mold

    Lele, thanks for the advice! I actually haven't had a problem with oatmeal in the past, as far as molding, unless the fruit or water got on it directly; hence, the plastic lids. I hadn't thought about the mites, though. I know what you're talking about; a couple of years ago I raised...
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    Nasty yucky mold

    We went on a trip for spring break, and I hired a pet sitter for everyone except the dog (who went to the vet's). Everybody looked great, happy, maybe too fat when we got back. Except.....the crickets! I had a very large storage tub with them in it (there were maybe 1000), with plates of...
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    uh-oh...too many vitamins??

    I think maybe Cyrus has had too much iron in his diet...:D
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    feeding brevicaudatus

    Wow, Hieka, I saw the pic and thought, "Silverfish!" I wonder how they're different. I have lots of silverfish in my attic (:mad: )...can you say "free food?" I wonder if plain silverfish are OK food for chams; does it depend on what books/papers they've been eating? :rolleyes:
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    feeding brevicaudatus

    OK, Roo, what are firebrats? I know Hieka mentioned them before, but I have no idea what they are or how to get them!
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    Not a happy bunny

    I have a sticky trap horror story...I let my MOL keep two baby dwarf hamsters for a few days, until Christmas, and one stuck to a sticky trap behind her fridge. I could NOT get its fur clean...and by the time I quit trying it was very chilled. It died on Christmas Eve...not quite...
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    feeding brevicaudatus

    I have so far had a hard time finding much small enough except crickets for my brevs. I ordered some small silkworms, but they quickly grew too big. I think some brevs will take phoenix worms, but mine won't look at them. Since it's gotten warmer I've put in the odd housefly or moth, and...
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    Not a happy bunny

    Or put out sticky traps? Not the kind with poison....
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    Fractal's "Guickening" & escape

    Fauna, that's great! I've been out of town all week, haven't checked in at all....and reading this, I was getting pretty frantic for Fractal. What a great ending!:D :D
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    not pooping

    Dave, I admire (?) your dedication in waiting for the opportunity to take those pics....:rolleyes:
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    Id like you to meet..OLIVER AMBILOBE..

    I'm sure you've heard this before, but I think the rule of thumb is to feed prey that is no bigger than the space between the cham's eyes; so probably the butterworms might be a bit large for him.
  16. J

    how to tell the gender

    The first number represents known male animals, second number know females, third number can represent unknown sex or juveniles that cannot be sexed yet. So if you had two males, one female, one unknown, it would be 2.1.1. How is your cham getting sunlight? If it is through a window, the UV...
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    The Real Sun!

    Brad, looks like Kitty just wants to hike around on his own! He has a really tall casque, too! Very nice!
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    R. brev

    We caught ours breeding a few weeks ago...but I don't have a digital cam, much less a movie camera. By the time I got the old Pentax SLR set up on the tripod, they had cut and run. My sister says I'm a pervert anyway, for wanting to take pics of it...;)
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    Girls have COOTIES! EWWW!

    Will, that female is gorgeous! Hopefully some pretty babies...;)
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    Help request with my jackson that wont eat

    Chris, that's pretty on earth does a cham swallow their tongue? I'd love to know physiologically how that happens! People worry about people swallowing their tongues when they have a seizure, but of course it doesn't really happen, although they will aspirate. It occurred to me...
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