New Member
Hey everyone! Sorry to come asking for help, I am stumped and out of ideas on how to fix my problem.
Cammie hasn’t been eating for the last 2 weeks. The last thing she ate was a silkworm, and she is refusing crickets. Hasn’t pooped in like 9 days. On Monday morning when I woke up, I caught her standing around on the cage floor, so I scooped her up and put her back on her branches. 10 minutes later, she was back on the ground walking around. Between not eating in 2 weeks, and staying on the ground, I figured a trip to the vet was in order.
Well that proved extremely unsuccessful, the doctor had no idea what to do, and thought she looked extremely healthy. I was a bit disappointed in the overall experience, however, here in Hawaii our options are severely limited and I don’t have any other choice but that 1 vet. I found it hard to believe that 90 dollars later, I had 0 progress on what to do, the only thing she could offer me was a big pat on the back for my chameleon knowledge. No signs of MBD, no infections on her mouth, no rot, everything “checked out”. We weighed her and she was at 70 grams even, which a significant loss from about 10 days ago visually. I do not know what the typical weight for a female jackson is, nor do I know her age, however she is an adult and quite hearty. – Check out pictures in my gallery if needed.
She gave me medicine to treat for any parasites and worms that she might be harboring, as I DO know she was wild caught (panacur granules w/env 22.2% and some metronidazole 50mg)
My own personal guess (and its fine to disagree with me) was the crickets were growing too large for her, and it was just too much to look at. That theory was disproved last night when I came home with small to medium sized ones and she showed 0 interest. I cannot find silkworms anywhere on the island right now, I checked 5 shops last night and everyone is out- other than that.. no other real food options besides trying to catch some roaches.
Do I start force feeding her? Is there anything else I might have overlooked? Any techniques on how to force feed if needed? The vet had to force her mouth open to check that out, and man, seemed a bit forceful.. I can imagine it would be quite easy to harm them having to do that everyday?
Sorry for the long post, I figure its better than “help plz, my cham is sik and wont eat”
Cage Info:
Cage Type – 38 gallon reptarium - 16.5" x 16.5" x 30" – picture in gallery
Lighting – 150w UVB 6-8 hrs a day
Temperature –Basking spot is 90-95. Ambient room temp ranges between 70-80. Nighttime I drop it down to 65-75
Humidity – 40% during non mistings, 55-64% for about 2 hrs after each misting session
Plants – Pittsaporum. Photos in gallery
Location – In my studio bathroom. I am the only one that walks by it, low stress
Chameleon Info:
Female Jackson. Age unknown.
Feeding – Crickets gut loaded with apples, oranges, lettuce, potatoes as well as a store bought cricket food. Free range fed.
Supplements – Dusting crickets with calcium 2x a week, multi vitamin 2x a month.
Watering – 3x misting a day(15min per),. BigDripper for when I am away at work, Chameleon shower once a week for about 40 mins.
Fecal Description – Yellowish white urine. Solid brown-black feces. It has not changed since I got her.
Cammie hasn’t been eating for the last 2 weeks. The last thing she ate was a silkworm, and she is refusing crickets. Hasn’t pooped in like 9 days. On Monday morning when I woke up, I caught her standing around on the cage floor, so I scooped her up and put her back on her branches. 10 minutes later, she was back on the ground walking around. Between not eating in 2 weeks, and staying on the ground, I figured a trip to the vet was in order.
Well that proved extremely unsuccessful, the doctor had no idea what to do, and thought she looked extremely healthy. I was a bit disappointed in the overall experience, however, here in Hawaii our options are severely limited and I don’t have any other choice but that 1 vet. I found it hard to believe that 90 dollars later, I had 0 progress on what to do, the only thing she could offer me was a big pat on the back for my chameleon knowledge. No signs of MBD, no infections on her mouth, no rot, everything “checked out”. We weighed her and she was at 70 grams even, which a significant loss from about 10 days ago visually. I do not know what the typical weight for a female jackson is, nor do I know her age, however she is an adult and quite hearty. – Check out pictures in my gallery if needed.
She gave me medicine to treat for any parasites and worms that she might be harboring, as I DO know she was wild caught (panacur granules w/env 22.2% and some metronidazole 50mg)
My own personal guess (and its fine to disagree with me) was the crickets were growing too large for her, and it was just too much to look at. That theory was disproved last night when I came home with small to medium sized ones and she showed 0 interest. I cannot find silkworms anywhere on the island right now, I checked 5 shops last night and everyone is out- other than that.. no other real food options besides trying to catch some roaches.
Do I start force feeding her? Is there anything else I might have overlooked? Any techniques on how to force feed if needed? The vet had to force her mouth open to check that out, and man, seemed a bit forceful.. I can imagine it would be quite easy to harm them having to do that everyday?
Sorry for the long post, I figure its better than “help plz, my cham is sik and wont eat”
Cage Info:
Cage Type – 38 gallon reptarium - 16.5" x 16.5" x 30" – picture in gallery
Lighting – 150w UVB 6-8 hrs a day
Temperature –Basking spot is 90-95. Ambient room temp ranges between 70-80. Nighttime I drop it down to 65-75
Humidity – 40% during non mistings, 55-64% for about 2 hrs after each misting session
Plants – Pittsaporum. Photos in gallery
Location – In my studio bathroom. I am the only one that walks by it, low stress
Chameleon Info:
Female Jackson. Age unknown.
Feeding – Crickets gut loaded with apples, oranges, lettuce, potatoes as well as a store bought cricket food. Free range fed.
Supplements – Dusting crickets with calcium 2x a week, multi vitamin 2x a month.
Watering – 3x misting a day(15min per),. BigDripper for when I am away at work, Chameleon shower once a week for about 40 mins.
Fecal Description – Yellowish white urine. Solid brown-black feces. It has not changed since I got her.