Second this. I would not wait that long. Just take him in. I saw a case similar to this, but definitely not as severe. It did not end well for the chameleon and he just lost one tooth, not an entire section of jaw. This is most likely indicative of a bad infection and needs immediate attention.
The website is nice looking but I am a little vague on the direction of the venture. Is it an awareness site, wellness, shopping? Is it a lifestyle thing or aimed at pet owners?
The custom wood viv looks nice too but the price is astronomical. In order to be competitive in the...
Yeah, make sure to monitor all your params in house. I have never heard of a breeder saying that he has it dialed in at his place, so don't worry about it at your house, doesn't make sense.
I am sorry for your loss. With the information here I believe you will be more successful in the future.
Yes that is a female Jackson's chameleon. It looks a little dehydrated as previously stated. It is also a bad sign if they are sleeping during the day. Jackson's require different care than panthers. They need lower temps and higher humidity.
Sounds like MBD. I would not give him calcium in the water, it is hard to determine how much he is ingesting. I would give hime the liquid calcium with a dripper orally instead. What is your supplementation schedule?
Where do you live? Because when you say there are no specialty vets...
The owner of AquaZamp is a member on the forums, maybe he will chime in. I know there has been some issues over the last year in regards to communication and prompt shipping. I too have heard family issues as the reason for this. I have their raindome sytem and it is amazing. I am sure it will...
She is most likely egg bound and has been showing signs for a while ie lack of appetite, dragging limbs, lethargic. At this point it has gone on for a long time and this can be very deadly for chams. I would get to a vet and get a shot to induce laying.
As previously stated, remove the...