2 bumps on top of his nose?


New Member
Hello all, so today I saw my veiled chameleon had 2 bumps on his nose. He's 3 yrs old and I've been feeding him super worms since he stopped eating crickets. Can anyone help me to identify what it is?


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That's a pretty common place for a sinus infection to develop an abscess. It's time for a vet visit, and he will likely need antibiotics. It's not something you can treat at home.

Good luck with your little guy!
Ya for the meantime thats all I have been giving him. He doesn't seem to like crickets and the place I used to go for his food that had a variety of insects closed down. So im trying to find out what else he can eat and what he likes. But thanks Im trying to make an appointment to see a vet ASAP.
You can get some cheap stuff on ebay. I get my mealworms and butterworms off ebay. I don't know much about chameleon sicknesses but your vet will probably help you.
cool thank you guys. I will experiment on his foods. I also made an appointment for friday. Hopefully all goes well with him :)
I would make sure that the vet cleans out the abcesses well and does a culture and sensitivity test to determine the proper antibiotic. Chameleon "pus" is thick like cottage cheese and isn't penetrated by the antibiotics.
So i went to the vet and he had the pus removed. Right now hes under recover and I have to give him antibiotics every 3 days but Im just happy hes okay :)
Yay! We're all hoping for a full recovery! Be sure to complete the antibiotics - you don't want to leave any infection lingering in his sinuses.

While he's on antibiotics, make sure he is well hydrated. Antibiotics can be hard on the internal organs and may depress his appetite, too. Long and warm mistings/showers are always a nice addition. If you can get hornworms or silkworms, they are very juicy and help keep hydration up, too.
Happy to hear he is ok! Did the vet give you a reason for the infection? I know humidity is mostly in correspondence with respiratory infections, but I wonder if that may be a cause for the sinus infection as well. As stated previously, better variety, better nutrition. Good luck with your little guy!
well he told me the main cause could have been because of the improper feeding was doing but I did buy hornworms and giving him a shower and misting him more frequently
Glad to hear he is on the way to recovery. lindasgonebuggy has a good variety of feeders and you can order just a few of each, perfect for people like you who only have one cham.:D
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