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  1. kaity

    Gutload for sale

    I believe I need some, how much would shipping be to washington (98031)
  2. kaity

    Buying my materials tomorrow could do with some help

    your cage looks amazing :) you did an outstanding job. I used wood as a frame for mine. Would you mind telling us how much it cost to build something that nice?
  3. kaity

    Gravid Jacksons Xantholophus Question

    Thanks OPI, I have been noticeing weight gain, but I have not actualy weighed her... at first I thought she was just gaining weight because I had jus brought her home and she was growing, or getting healthier. I really hope she is not pregnant because I don't think she is ready to have babies...
  4. kaity

    Gravid Jacksons Xantholophus Question

    Pictures I just took some pictures, she seemed really hesitant of my camera.
  5. kaity

    Do You or Don't You???

    I name them yes. Some silly names... usually the ones that have shorter life expectancy, and some I put weeks of thought into looking up baby/pet name sites online all day.
  6. kaity

    Wanted: Red Eye Tree Frog

    The BOI? I am interested
  7. kaity

    Gravid Jacksons Xantholophus Question

    oh yeah the cage is huge. 5 feet high and about 3 feet deep and 3 feet wide. Its a hand made cage. I have the girl I believe is Gravid in a seprate Reptarium... I have them together because the breeder I got them from said they had always been housed together. :)
  8. kaity

    Gravid Jacksons Xantholophus Question

    I had two girls together.... I have not even though about introducing her to the boy yet I wanted her to get a little bigger. No, I have not had her for long, I am not certian if she came to me Gravid.
  9. kaity

    Wanted: Red Eye Tree Frog

    This place is good I got my Chams from here. I went to his house, and everything is good. He ships for a good price and has Red Eyed Tree Frogs for 20$ each and I believe 20 or 30 shipping..
  10. kaity

    Gravid Jacksons Xantholophus Question

    I wanted to know signs of telling 'how pregnant' she is or a guess of when I can expect delivery or any hints. So, this would be my first Gravid Female. I am 99.9999% certian she is Gravid. She has a very large and very obvious lump on her belly that actualy hangs down a little, and is...
  11. kaity

    Norfolk pine Ok?

    I read ona list of "safe Cham Plants" that the Norfolk pine was OK, however it seemed unapealing to me... I mean if I was a Chameleon I would not want to be climbing on one of thoes.... I have three Chameleons, and two would only eat from my hands... when I first brought them home. I thinks...
  12. kaity

    Wax worms

    Wax worms are good for skinny chams, sick chams, a new cham you just brought home or the very occasional treat and no not need to be dusted. (unless you Chameleon is on deaths door ;D )
  13. kaity

    am I stressing for no reason?

    :d I'd just call you lucky? =D I wish my Chams ran to see me.... My cage is about three feet high and on a stand so they can go above or below eye level and they often go below.... maybe if you gave them a choice, it wouldn't stress him out? If he is stressed that is.
  14. kaity

    Vieled Breeding Questions (Please Help)

    Yes Gravid means "knocked up" Google Vield Cham Breeding. I am sure you will find something good. Google has very reliable answers. Thats where I found ALL of my information
  15. kaity

    Do i need to see a Vet..?

    Chams just stand, walk, and do weird things. There is probably nothing wrong with her... you have not had her that long to be able to "Know when something is worng". Just give it a while, if she actualy does seem to be walking funny... clumbsy, she might be gravid? or about to lay.... I don't...
  16. kaity

    Much Profit In Breeding?

    =/ If you Hobby breed Vields, and just kind sold the babies for fun you would get an idea for the cost, however if you just have one pair and two hole set ups you are not going to be making much because after you hatch the babies you are going too need two more set ups for the babies, because...
  17. kaity

    Lee Harvey's offspring coming soon

    Wow you have some pretty amazing boys. I cant wait to see how there clolors show when they are a little older. I am extra curious about that boy in the middle of the most recent boy trio.
  18. kaity

    So I have a question.

    Sorry to hear about your ambanja... I knows thats just the issue. I cant rember who posted it either. I believe the posting had information about him on it. I just can't find it. I was just kind of looking around at old Chams for sale and found him. So you think he is a juvi? I thoght he...
  19. kaity

    So I have a question.

    So I am pretty New to the Cham world. I have three Jacksons and they are all doing great! Anyway... I saw a photo of this guy posted on this site in the Classifieds a few days ago (way at the back though) and can't find him now. I am certian he is sold.. I was just wondering what he was. I...
  20. You Can Do It!

    You Can Do It!

    The one and only
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