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    Spock Jr.!

    :D Nice holdback Brian! He's looking great. His brother you sent me has doubled in size since I've gotten him. Will post updates sometime soon.
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    Reptiworm or Calciworm and Phoenix Worm Debate

    I think they are exactly the same thing. They are competitors so they must advertise competitively (MY phoenix worms are better than all my competitors so buy from me and not them). ;) Just my 2 cents. They are all black soldier fly larva to the best of my knowledge.
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    Bokazar Ambanja baby

    :eek: Amazing! He fires up white! Bokazar must be a proud daddy.
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    Drinky time for Monty!

    :D Wow.. all grown up! Look at those big boy horns
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    Random word thread!!

    skeet skeet skeet
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    New Baby Ambilobe Boy (Just shed!)

    Thank you Ataraxia, Suzi and Maxxtu for the nice compliments! Finally starting out which settings to use on this camera. Manual focus is definitely the way to go! :)
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    New Baby Ambilobe Boy (Just shed!)

    Thank you Carol and AllFallsDown. :) I will keep everybody updated as he grows up. He will make his daddy Spock proud! lol
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    New Baby Ambilobe Boy (Just shed!)

    JannB, BriAlme, Jandie, and PantherEnvy, thank you guys for the kind words! My bad, I should have said his body is the size of my thumb without the tail! :D Little dude loves soaking up the rays, I'll try to get some shots of him in the sun tomorrow. He eats and poops a lot! Twice a day in fact...
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    New Baby Ambilobe Boy (Just shed!)

    Thank you ColdBloodedAl. Brian has some awesome chams, I was tempted to buy this little guy's brothers too lol. Will do, Brian. I can't wait to see how he turns out either. I've never seen so much color on a cham this small before :D Thanks again man.
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    New Baby Ambilobe Boy (Just shed!)

    Thanks Jon, I'm in North Jersey in Morris county, Randolph specifically. Tri-state weather has been pretty nice lately eh? Lots of sun for the chams! :cool:
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    New Baby Ambilobe Boy (Just shed!)

    Got this little dude on Thursday morning and made sure he got a taste of some perfect NJ weather outside in the sun. Misted him heavily and he started to shed later in the day. Decided to let him settle in the first day and get rid of the rest of his shed before I took any more pictures of him...
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    Diablo 3 Thread #3

    There is a storyline but it's not really a big deal. Game isn't really about storyline. It's about bashing monsters til they explode and collecting items to make your character stronger so you can bash more monsters easily for better items. :D
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    Diablo 3 Thread #3

    HAving played them all, D3 is better than both. I'd say just play D3.
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    Diablo 3 Thread #3

    It is amazing... it will win best game of the year I gaurantee it.
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    Diablo 3 # 3

    I'm in inferno with my level 60 demon hunter that crits for 80k. Sinapz#1676 If you want to add me feel free.
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    Pics of our new Parsonii Boy

    :D He is simply amazing Lee, good luck with him and hopefully you find a nice girlfriend for him in the near future!
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    More Montyness!

    :D He is growing up so fast! He grows more handsome everyday.
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    New pics of ambilobe breeder Shir Kahn

    Gorgeous animal. I love his lateral line.
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    55 gal tank

    Not a good idea to put a cham where fish belong... If you are going glass at least get one with proper ventilation and meant for chams.
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    Today's photo shoot!(Splash, Chompers, and I)

    Hah I love when they do that! He looks spectacular by the way! ;)
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