More Montyness!

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
A few new pics of my l'il man Monty! He's 8.5 months old now.

'It's ok Mum, I'll show Pascal the RIGHT way to curl his tail!' :D

Pink horns!

Waiting to be carried outside for some sunshine.:D

It's always wonderful to see pictures of Monty! He is growing up so fast!!
He is still so adorable, but goodness, he's not a baby anymore, is he?
It's always wonderful to see pictures of Monty! He is growing up so fast!!
He is still so adorable, but goodness, he's not a baby anymore, is he?

This :D. He's really getting to be a big boy now - certainly more grown up than silly little Pascal :D
Being new here, I had to go back and look at old pictures of Montey. He was SO small at 6 months old. What do they eat when their that tiny?
Monty will always be an adorable doll. We have all watched him from the scare when you got him until. He has changed so much in the past few months. And he just keeps getting better. Every time I think he has hit the ceiling for cuteness, you post another picture. Monty has been a joy, and I expect his cuteness to just go on & on.
It's always wonderful to see pictures of Monty! He is growing up so fast!!
He is still so adorable, but goodness, he's not a baby anymore, is he?
He isn't! He will be 9 months old on 3rd June!

Being new here, I had to go back and look at old pictures of Montey. He was SO small at 6 months old. What do they eat when their that tiny?
Haha! He was tiny when I got him! He weighed just 2g! I fed him on fruit flies and tiny crickets!

HOLY CRAP!!! Monty is beautiful!!!

HE SO BIG!!!!!! :D I love the look of much

:D He is growing up so fast! He grows more handsome everyday.
Thank you both! He is such a sweetie! I love how green he is all the time!

Monty will always be an adorable doll. We have all watched him from the scare when you got him until. He has changed so much in the past few months. And he just keeps getting better. Every time I think he has hit the ceiling for cuteness, you post another picture. Monty has been a joy, and I expect his cuteness to just go on & on.
Thank yo uLaurie! Rest assured, there are plenty more pics to come! :D

Too cute :) love the pascal photo! He's definately saying that in his head :rolleyes: I cant get over his green. It's just beauty :)
I love his green too! Especially the bit under his chin! Jacksons are wonderful! They may not be the most colourful chameleons, but they more than make up for it with their laid back personalities!
Wow seeing these pics makes me want a jackson so bad lol! And one of them teddies!!! :O

Jacksons are wonderful chams! Thre's a story behind that toy,lol! I went to Southampton shooping with my daughter a few weeks ago, and we went into the Disney Store to see if they had any 'Tangled' merchandise, and there it was! A very cute Pascal toy! Well, I HAD to buy one and when we got to the desk the man asked who it was for and I said 'Me! I keep pet chameleons!' My daughter almost disowned me, lol!:D On the way back on the ferry, I posted on facebook - 'On the way home with my new chameleon!' Everyone thought I'd bought a real one home!:D
Tiff I needed to stop in a see Monty after reading 2 pet store threads. Monty makes me feel better but i have to stop reading those threads!:(
Hey I have a question so to you have two encloseres for him or you were just handling him outside? I want to have two for my jackson. And put him out in the day and in at night but would he be to stressed?
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