hasnt pooped in a couple days
we ahve tryed the dripper and it leaked all over the place on the slowest drip and it freaked her out she is on 5 week crickets
we had a tub full of dirt before and she never touched it at all so we took it out
it 20 inches deep 20 inches wide and 24 inches high all screen with skiding door lights on top of cage plants all around with rocks on bottom with dirt and a ledge to rest on the side with vines to climb
i have another cage its one of those flexarrium round ones that you hang but i havent figured out how to hang the lights for it yet
it wont let me upload the pics
well in two years there has been no eggs i clean the poo almost everyday as i can get in from the crickets running around and the bubble stump is a dish that has air going in it to make bubbles but she does poop in it once in awhile so maybe i need a new one anda dripper doesnt work it emptys...
hi there we woke up today and our chem is sitting in her water and now has changed colors to black on head yellow on top of back and tail and green spotty everywhere else what should i do
Cage Info:
Cage Type - screen cage
Lighting - 75watt spot a uva uvb light and a night light