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  1. Murrdox

    I got him

    Grats on your new arrival! Stay off the drugs though, like seriously... man. Whoa I can see through my skin!
  2. Murrdox

    Lucy the female veiled just disappeared

    Don't give up! I think this is a good idea! (I've never lost a cham, so I don't really know)
  3. Murrdox

    advanced metabolic bone disease

    I enthusiastically second what Yoza said :) I'm also sorry for your loss. Welcome to the hobby, and If you love the little guys, I hope you try again and get better results.
  4. Murrdox

    advanced metabolic bone disease

    About the only thing I CAN tell you is that based on this behavior alone, your cham is not doing well at all, and may be close to death. If you want to save him, you need to take him to a vet. Even then it might be too late. Your "breeder" doesn't sound like he knows what he's talking about.
  5. Murrdox

    Shoot tongue to drink??

    Yup, this is normal. Sometimes they will shoot their tongue out to grab water droplets. Most chameleons are shy about drinking. Don't be surprised if you rarely see him do it. Just do your misting and setup a drip though, and he'll be fine.
  6. Murrdox

    Taking Easter my Panther Chameleon outside

    I'd be nervous about doing that. A chameleon can go from calm to panicked in no time at all. One minute he could be fine, the next minute he's scampering away, and slips and falls off your shoulder. Not a good idea, IMO. Especially if you're trying to keep an eye on your dog at the same...
  7. Murrdox

    clumsy is here

    When they're young if they get nervous they have a tendency to climb faster than they can get a grip. I had to be very careful not to startle my little guy when he was young. He's start trying to climb on the screen, and was in danger of slipping. He fell a couple times, but never far enough...
  8. Murrdox

    Your Chameleon Experience?

    I've had chameleons for about 6 years now. Jacksons, Veileds, and Panthers. However, I'm strictly a "one-at-a-time" keeper. Currently I only have one Panther, he's 10 months old.
  9. Murrdox

    I am Aquaman!

    He's definitely gorgeous, no matter what way you spin it. I love his colors. He doesn't look Nosy Be to me, but I'd wager he's at least a partial Nosy Be cross breed.
  10. Murrdox

    feeding the four horned (male)

    He's so gorgeous! Nice video.
  11. Murrdox

    enclosure advice needed

    That is an F'n amazing cage. Well done! Really well designed too, and I love your layout. Can you build one for me? :) Where the heck does your cham EAT? I couldn't find anything in there! Do you have a feeder cup that you put in / remove?
  12. Murrdox

    Sugar Glider Pics!

    That thing is... way too adorable. I've heard they're stinky though? I like my scaly friends.
  13. Murrdox

    Who would want an Ankaramy

    I'm a fairly experienced keeper... and pondering getting a female later this year for an attempt at breeding next year. I'm already researching, researching, researching, and I don't even have my breeding pair yet :)
  14. Murrdox


    Hmmm... is the spray coming out of your mister too harsh? Can you make the spray lighter? Can you maybe direct the spray a bit so that it doesn't cover the whole cage and your chameleon can take shelter somewhere else? Do you have enough plants in your enclosure so your chameleon can go...
  15. Murrdox

    Feeding spiders...

    I live in VA, and for some reason lately it's been "Invasion of the Wolf Spiders!" One night last week we found FOUR of them in the span of 2 - 3 hours. They'd just scurry across the floor. My girlfriend deals with spiders by putting a glass on top of it until I get home. I just put them...
  16. Murrdox

    Jackson Chameleon care- Need input.

    That's pretty funny. I've never thought of trying to feed a chameleon a slug before. It would have been amusing if she had used her tongue. What would win? The slug's foot or the chameleon's tongue? Just make sure no pesticides are in your lawn before you feed WC insects. I'm sure you...
  17. Murrdox

    New ill chameleon

    - Get rid of the bark. Trust me when you're spraying a chameleon that much and putting a drip for him to drink, cleaning and replacing that bark is a pain in the butt and it makes a mess, and it's bad for your chameleon. - That log you have in the cage is useless. Remember, chameleons are...
  18. Murrdox


    - Your description of his poo and urate seem to indicate that he's well hydrated. - You may hardly ever see your chameleon drink. They are very shy about this. In fact, after I mist my chameleon (spray the cage for a good solid 3-5 minutes) I make it a point to leave the room so he can...
  19. Murrdox

    Sunken eyes

    If she's got good urate, but her eyes are sunken, pics would probably help.
  20. Murrdox


    Okay, for a new chameleon owner who bought a chameleon from a pet store with bad information, I'd say you're doing great. I don't think I've ever seen a chameleon setup with a glass aquarium and a cage top. I don't really see any reason why it wouldn't work out ok. You might consider getting...
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