I really enjoy your photos. It's exciting that you have Masoala, I saw the photos of those guys early this year on Miwill's site, and so far they have to be my favorite. Tamatave, Sambava, Maro, Masoala... I would say those are on the top of my list of chameleons I would buy if I could, they...
Mealworms are not nutritious. Superworms are good, but they can be fattening and/or addictive.
I didn't see above answers, I apologize. If you want to spend your money on worms, I suggest silk worms. They are a superior food source.
I use a gutload recipe made by James,Wells,Lopez from adcham.com. Some of the ingredients for the dry mix are: rice baby cereal, powdered milk, bee pollen, mixed unsalted nuts, spirulina, wheat germ, kelp, brewers yeast, and a few others I don't remember. In addition to offering the dry, offer...
They're about the same age, they could be from the same clutch, which would also explain the similarities. I've been dying to see one of his brothers. Did you get him from Kammerflage Creations?
Thank you Jann. lol Sorry oacham I forgot to explain that I posted the picture because he is 50% ambilobe 50% ambanja as well, and I wondered, does your guy look anything like that? I see characteristics that remind me of ambanja mostly, not as much ambilobe, although I'm not locale expert. I...
This one likes to come out too, in fact he tries to get out whenever we come near. He's crazy! My boyfriend and I moved his cage so that he can see out of the window, and he seems content to sit and look outside all day. He's a weird one, and he learned well how to hand feed. Not that it's...
Wasps are one of the chameleons' natural food sources I believe, perhaps not of the american variety though. But yeah, their tongues shoot and grab faster than a wasp can react by stinging. I wouldn't worry.
Justin, Kinyonga, Mika, and Bucky: thank you all for being extremely wonderful and welcoming. I really didn't think I'd get this many replies back in this forum. You guys proved me wrong, and you also proved to me how nice and supportive you all are in here.
Kinyonga, what will the...
That's extra definitely a boy! lol I LOVE that last pic, if there were a booty theme in the photo contest you would win with that one. At least, you'd get my vote.
Please don't leave the forum, certain members who suggest you should may also continuously post rude or insulting comments on other threads as well. Everyone makes mistakes here, we (at least most of us) understand. This is a great place to learn about chameleons.
I see a hemipenal bulge in your ambanja guy, and he reminds me of my morph cross as a baby, and incidentally he has turned out with more ambanja traits than ambilobe (so far).
So here is a picture of him as a babe:
I wasn't sure he was a male when he was younger either, but you can...
I see geckos and green anoles. I wouldn't feed 'em to my chameleon though, I love those little guys. They've taken up shop in my mom's crazy jungle garden. I love seeing Walter kill bugs, however. I'd let the lizard live, but no mercy for insects!
I hope you will breed those Oxyrhinum well Champhibians.
One problem is that the parsonii are being sold over the internet. In order to initiate a boycott on those hatchlings, concerned chameleon keepers would need to be able to reach every single potential buyer of those guys, and that's...
Preformed Vitamin A cannot be used as medicine, but instead is something that you should give in very small amounts as a regular supplement if your chameleon has no other source of preformed vit a and/or is found to need more through blood work.
*Are you using a compact uv bulb? Chameleons can...