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  1. spatulars

    Chameleons only

    They are very reliable. To buy from them is more or less an assurance that you will end up with a beautiful, intensely colored chameleon (if you take good care of it.) They've been breeding for a long time, and even sponsor the site. *As for their service, they got back to me the next day, sent...
  2. spatulars

    Your Next Chameleon?

    Hoehnelli or bust! ... If I can find one in the next 2 years.
  3. spatulars

    Finally FINISHED!

    lol I've got cham feva!
  4. spatulars

    Finally FINISHED!

    The longest night I spent working was probably around 5 hours, but most nights I only spent maybe 1 or 2 hours on it, and it took 5 nights exactly plus a few days for the sealant (water based polyurethane) to dry. The hardest part was getting everything to square up. Those 2x2s are not very...
  5. spatulars

    Choking! Need help fast

    You said he's still doing fine, then he'll definitely be ok. Suffocation would be recognizable within minutes. He just might not digest the crickets as completely. I apologize, I thought you were asking if it was ok to keep feeding him big crickets. When my chameleon eats crickets, I see him...
  6. spatulars

    Choking! Need help fast

    The crickets you feed shouldn't be larger than the width of your chameleon's head as a general rule. The smaller meals are easier for younger chameleons to swallow and digest. If your chameleon is getting larger, larger crickets are probably fine.
  7. spatulars

    RIP Jackie Brown...

    I'm sorry for your loss. She must have had a good life, and a good time with you and your family.
  8. spatulars

    I'm Veiled Crazy!!!

    Makes me want some veileds!
  9. spatulars

    Finally FINISHED!

    My boyfriend and I have been building a new cage for our chameleon Walter, and it took us 5 days of work! I'm not a great or experienced wood-worker or cage-builder and the only tools I had at my disposal were a miter saw, a drill, and a nail gun (although I don't doubt some people could do...
  10. spatulars

    getting her to drink and eat again on her own?

    So did she end up laying her eggs?
  11. spatulars

    getting her to drink and eat again on her own?

    I dealt with dehydration by spraying my chameleon's cage much more frequently (when he gets water on his face he will open his mouth and drink it), and I dealt with his hunger strike by waiting until he started eating again on his own. The dehydration was mild and abated quickly. It took at...
  12. spatulars

    Carl Sagan on the 4th dimension...

    I agree on its simplicity, but I still find the Higg's mechanism interesting, and the LHC could disprove it. If the LHC doesn't find the Higg's boson, particle physicists will have to take a long look at the standard model. If the LHC does find the Higg's boson, so much can be explained. I...
  13. spatulars


    lol this is so ridiculous I love it
  14. spatulars

    sibling vs stranger recognition

    This is really interesting to me, especially because I wondered how chameleons avoid inbreeding in the wild. Perhaps if they can identify their siblings, they can avoid mating with them? Although if people can breed brothers and sisters together in captivity, perhaps they aren't that picky when...
  15. spatulars

    Carl Sagan on the 4th dimension...

    Speaking of theoretical physics, and alternate dimensions... A documentary on the Large Hadron Collider (3 segments) I really love this show, it starts to really get interesting around 9 minutes in.
  16. spatulars

    Baby Meller's, Flapnecks, and Carpet

    I love all of those guys, they look so awesome!
  17. spatulars

  18. spatulars

    daddy long leg spiders Real daddy long legs feed on decaying plant and animal matter. Gross.
  19. spatulars

    New dude

    Sweet action, that's a great cage.
  20. spatulars

    mistng cycles ?

    Extra water at night can cause problems for your chameleon.
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