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    im new here, i want to know my pan is he or she

    I would say she's a female. I might be wrong though let's hope someone with a definite answer chimes in
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    Enclosure question?

    Hey there. Having substrate is a nono cus he might get some of it in him as he snatches up crickets that may be on them, impaction, that's a big problem. Otherwise it looks pretty good but I would still suggest a screen enclosure though!
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    Late Hatchling

    Wow a 2 year incubation? That's insaneee. Did it hatch out nice n healthy? Wow everyday I come across something amazing on this forums. And today a 2 year incubation!!! Dayum!
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    mouth rot?

    Whow Whow Whow bring her to a vet NAOW. That looks very bad indeed.
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    mouth rot?

    I think some pics would help and I think a visit to the vet is in order!
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    Just when I thought pet store housing was bad enough . . .

    Wow those people in the pet shop should be crucified.
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    Ugly Duckling (Gator Jr.)

    Wow that's some insane color change! Gorgeous boy u got there!
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    Update on Mr Chameleon!

    Hey everybodeh! It's been about 2months since I've had Mr Chameleon my veiled and its crazy when u see their transformation from a veil-less to a veiled Cham! And he's recently been to the vet for an abscess on his toe which has since been drained and healed nicely! Here are some photos for your...
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    eye turret ripped need advice?

    Wow man that looks so painful. I'm surprised it isn't bleeding or anything
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    My first chameleon! meet Sticky !

    I agree, he looks realllll skinny. Gonna be needing some fat juicy worms
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    Need advice!

    I would guess he ingested some of the moss in the cage and got impacted. Which is prolly why he stopped eating. That's just my guess thou
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    'Boil' on chams toe.

    Thanks for all the replies! I'm definitely taking him to a vet in the next couple days and see what's the verdict. Anyways here's a pic of mr chameleon! Pics are always welcome yes? :) And tell me if u think he's fat I'm worried I mighta spoilt him a tad too...
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    'Boil' on chams toe.

    Here's a photo. The swelling has gone down a bit but I'm afriad there may be pus in it or smth which I'm thinking is alright for me to self 'handle' it. Anyone ever had same issue and self remidied it? Thanks in advance!
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    'Boil' on chams toe.

    Hey everyone. I was just wondering if it is viable to self recify the problem by bursting it and treating it with saline after? Anyone had experience doing that before?
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    The last pic I ever took of Comet, CB Mitsio

    Wow that's an amazing red eyed lookin boy u had there! Pity u had to let him go!
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    Cricket with yellow eyes? (Warning: Creepy cricket image!)

    Oh hawt dayum that's some alien shizzle going on there
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    What's happening to his toe?!

    Alrighty then, I guess vet visit is in order!
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    What's happening to his toe?!

    Hey thanks for the reply jann. Well his toe is currently just a stump nothing raw exposed which is why I'm thinking of just leaving it cus it's not spreading or impairing him in anyway currently. I wonder if trying to do anything would make otherwise a kinda non harmful issue harmful. And Mr...
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    What's happening to his toe?!

    Hi everyone! My chameleon,mr chameleon had a bad shed which left some shed on one of his toe nails, eventually the toe nail turned brown and fell of on its own and all was well. His toe looked normal for that matter just without a nail, but recently it kinda grew in size so I'm wondering if...
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    a farewell tribute to Mr Jingles

    Yea IMO just keep him. It's illegal to keep reptiles in my country but I just do so and have a whole collection of them anyways. Who cares if u break the law, just don't get caught! Hahaha
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