The last pic I ever took of Comet, CB Mitsio


New Member
This is the very last pic I took of my favourite boy, Comet, before I had to sell all of my Chams due to moving and having no space for them. :(


  • Comet.jpg
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It's heartbreaking to have to let a beloved cham go because of unforeseen
I hope at least he is in a good home with someone who will love him.

Very nice looking guy too
He is a very unique and beautiful chameleon! I am sorry that you had to part with your chameleons. I am sure you found good homes for all of them, but am also sure it was very hard giving them up. Maybe you will move again and find the space to keep them again one day.
Such a beautiful Mitsio, Benton! I wish we had CB Mitsios like him available in the states. We're doing what we can with the WCs that came over in 2011, but to the best of my knowledge none of the WC females from that import have yet been fully proven to be 100% Mitsio. A couple forum members have clutches with 4-5 month old males, which should be f1 Mitsios and coloring up any day now, so we should see soon... and then hopefully some of their sisters will become available to those of us with unrelated WC males.
You know how sorry I was to see what happened. :(You had some lovely chams, and you are such a great guy. It is still my hope you will make it back to the hobby.:) You always had such quality chams, I am not sure I saw a better keeper of high quality chams. Your area need you, I wish you were still in that area.
Thank you all so much for the kind words!

It was a very hard choice to make, to move to a better area but in a smaller house meaning I was to sell my Chams or stay put. In the end the wisest decision was made and the Chams had to go. It breaks my heart when I see the pics of them but i know they went to good homes and as a few have said, 1 day I will move into something with more space and get back into the hobby, no doubt!

Finding Chams like my guys will be hard, but, Im patient so Ive no doubt Ill manage! :D
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