$30 mixed for 100 local pickup. (Shipping plus 10). Enough to start a good colony.
I sold my Sugar gliders and now have WAY too many roaches.
I also have an obscene amount of superworms if your looking for those too. 100 for $10
I have a decent sized meal worm colony going that I don't need anymore. My chams don't really like them anyway so I'm planning on tossing it all and just seems like a waste. PM me if your local and want them.
PS- Free btw
Breeding Superworms is quite easy, and you can feed them off when they are small enough. You can buy say 500 small superworms for now, some large if can for breeding. I have a 3 drawer plastic bin from walmart that works great. 2 drawers for worms, one for the beetles to breed in.
As far as...
I use the bedding from cricketfood.com
For hydration, carrots are probably my favorite because theyre easy to feed and dont mold fast like a lot of fruits will. The advantage to feeding leafy greens though is increased calcium gutload which most fruits and vegs dont have.
I use a 15 gal aquarium and its always worked just fine. I order 1000 at a time. I have 3 layers of egg cartons to give them more space but as long as theyre kept fed theyve always been fine to me.
If you want fruits in your cage, it may get messy. I have a couple real plants(Ficus Benjamina and Crottons) but I also use fake vines. If I had it to do all over again, I would have went fake everything.
The flies hatched because you got large, late term phoenix worms. They're ok to feed to your cham if he'll eat them. Im not sure what the flies eat though, ive never actually tried feeding them. But then again i usually feed them off before they hatch
If its herpavite or D3 day, ill dust them. But theyre high in calcium so i dont bother dusting them with extra Calcium. I dump mine in a small phoenix worm cup that hangs just below the basking spot, so your cham will see it easily there.
I have a 7 month old female Amilobe who Im pretty sure at this point needs to lay infertile eggs. She hardly eats, I can see her ribs but her gut is big and I can see some bumps suggesting eggs. I did like Brads Blog said, 5 gallon bucket filled 1/3 the way up with sand and peat moss and...
I built one, and I dont have any experience building these things. It was quite easy though and I got the exact size I wanted from doing it. If you go to home depot, you can get 24x24 plywood which will make exactly the size you need to stand it on. This is mine, built for two 24x24 cages
They're more of a treat than a nutritional food. Theyre very fatty so you dont want to give them many, especially a 3 month old. Maybe 1 every other day.