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  1. Jmeyer

    Bearded chameleon help

    yeah i was thinking about doing that, trying to get rid of all the bugs in the tank, no i havent seen them fly but i can see their tiny wings.
  2. Jmeyer

    Bearded chameleon help

    oopsie i didnt mean isopods lol, they are actually tiny little what it looks like to be flies. Yeah it looks like they are eating her eye and trying to eat part of his mouth :( here are some pics of the hurt eye and her normal eye
  3. Jmeyer

    Bearded chameleon help

    Okay so let me try to keep this short. I have a wc breeding pair of bearded dwarf chameleons. Lately something has been attacking them. All throughout the day i notice small isopods all over the females right eye and the same small isopods crawling all over the males mouth. They eat and drink...
  4. Jmeyer

    Brookesia perarmata

    dang, well thanks for the info guys, sounds interesting to say the least
  5. Jmeyer

    Brookesia perarmata

    lol i dont want any im just wondering if they are still around at all
  6. Jmeyer

    Brookesia perarmata

    hey everyone, i'm wondering if anyone still has any of these? I know they havent been imported in years and years and it doesnt look like they will be anytime soon but did anyone on here own them back in the day? How difficult were they or does anyone still have any alive from when they were...
  7. Jmeyer

    Honey, I got some sticks fresh out of the oven

    yeah me too, i don't really do to much to sticks and branches from outside
  8. Jmeyer

    Carpet color changes

    very cool thanks Kevin!!
  9. Jmeyer

    Carpet color changes

    are those flexariums you use for them? How do you keep their humidity up in screen cages?
  10. Jmeyer

    Parsonii on my hand

    chameleon version of elephant :)
  11. Jmeyer


    i think the laws have to do with not spreading non native species of grasshopper or locust into different parts of the US because of how dangerous they can be to farms and what not in different areas. Sucks for me because i live in suburban Los Angeles and there are no grasshoppers or locust...
  12. Jmeyer

    R. Temporalis Imports?

    Hey everyone, in the near future i want to get a group of R. Temporalis and i was wondering what time of the year do they come in? I know the chances of getting some cb ones are slim to none and i don't really have any problem with getting some wc. If anyone has any tips on keeping this little...
  13. Jmeyer

    Communal Chamaeleo lateralis

    hey guys thanks for all the replies! brain fart on the chamaeleo lol. Ill see what i can do about putting up some sort of barrier in the cage and make sort of two different cages. Thanks guys!
  14. Jmeyer

    Communal Chamaeleo lateralis

    hey everyone, so today at the narbc show in orange county i bought a used screen cage that is 36 long, 36 tall and 16 deep. I really love carpet chameleons and i waas originally thinking of somehow splitting the cage in half and put a chameleon on each side. I know carpet chameleons are very...
  15. Jmeyer

    Shriveled eggs means dead?

    thanks jaxy, im sure they will more eggs soon though! I will taketer care of those ones
  16. Jmeyer

    Shriveled eggs means dead?

    Damn i think i might have been alittle hasty! Well first time eggs on my part, you know shite happens. No they were obviously dead. Damn :/
  17. Jmeyer

    Shriveled eggs means dead?

    I ended up cutting into them, fully formed but dead babies :/ i might have screwed up idk......
  18. Jmeyer

    Kinyongia pics

    oooooooooooo touchy subject
  19. Jmeyer

    Shriveled eggs means dead?

    yes the eco earth was moist but not soaked, okay i will try that with the egg, what exactly am i doing by doing thta?
  20. Jmeyer

    Shriveled eggs means dead?

    Hey everyone, so i have one pair of bearded pygmy chameleons wc, and about two months ago i cleaned out their cage and found 6 perfectly white little tic tac eggs. I was very excited. I don't have an incubator so i put them in some eco earth and into a deli cup. They have looked awesome until...
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