Hey everyone, i recently got two 2x2x4 screen cages. I am not sure what kind of chameleons would fit best in these cages. They may be too small for veiled and panthers but too big for smaller species. I have some chameleon experience and lots of herp experience so what would you all suggest as...
im sure someone else on here could elaborate but these chameleons are extremely protected and are never seen in the hobby. But i would assume they would be hard to keep you would need a rather large sandy enclosure for it to make it happy. They aren't very arboreal at all. Cool things though
hey everyone, posted a few days ago about some 2x2x4 cages i got that needed cleaning. Working on getting them cleaned up and i want to put carpet chameleons in them. would a cage that big be too big? I know carpets can be rather small but i always thought more room the better. lemme know what...
hey everyone, i came into ownership of two 2x2x4 metal screen cages today. They are awesome!! But they are kind of old and the metal screen is alittle faded making it difficult to see inside. Anyway i can clean the metal so it is easier to see through? I'm not getting the chams that will end up...
Hey everyone, i noticed this morning my female brevicaudatus is showing extremely dark colors and is in the corner on a twig. She is in a ten gallon cage with a single male. The cage has lots of sticks and hiding places within it with also a small ficus tree. The temps stay around 75 through...
Ok so hey guys, idk where else to put this question so i guess this is the place. I ordered 2 bearded pygmy chameleons. I got them today in the mail and i opened the box and saw three chameleons i was stoked thinking sweet the person i ordered from hooked me up with an extra chameleon for being...
Hey everyone, this is my first post of this forum and i have a quick question. I have a new cage that is 17 inches tall, 15 deep, and 11 wide. It was used for crested geckos but personally i think it is a little small for an adult pair of crested geckos. I was wondering if i could keep a pair of...