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  1. .Luke.

    Jackson’s Not moving around!

    What I see in the pick it doesn’t look like the right UVB you need a t5 linear HO 5 UVB
  2. .Luke.

    baby cham

    Yeah that is fine at 2 months just keep feeding small sized bugs
  3. .Luke.

    Type of food

    Good food for starters are crickets letting them free range in the cage but after you have had it for a bit don’t feed crickets as much, and most of the time you should cup feed some good bugs are dubia roaches and black soldier fly larvae. Neptune the chameleon has a good video on that for YouTube
  4. .Luke.

    baby cham

    If it is 2 months old you will need to feed fruit flies or any small bug at that age you can’t feed normal feeders
  5. .Luke.

    Help me! Half his head has fallen off!

    All you can do is take it to a vet
  6. .Luke.

    Chameleon with multiple possible problems..

    There is nothing you can do about it make sure you get to a good vet ASAP
  7. .Luke.

    Thermal burn

    It might be burn from the heat bulb make sure you are using the right one because the chameleon accualy can’t tell if it is getting burned
  8. .Luke.

    How to tell if your chameleon is a healthy or unhealthy weight [VIDEO]

    I learned most of my info from you I have double checked to make sure I have watched all of your vids thank you.
  9. .Luke.

    New Chameleon owner nervous cause chameleon mouth opened

    If the mouth is open it is mostly a sign of stress make sure you aren’t bothering it and leaving it alone it is a defensive sign of a chameleon called gaping
  10. .Luke.

    Lazy Chamelon

    Sleeping during the day is bad, I have a helmeted chameleon to aren’t they so cool
  11. .Luke.

    Plants ... lord help

    Don’t get fake plants unless they are silk
  12. .Luke.

    Plants ... lord help

    Get a pothos plant those are good (devils Ivy) they are listed toxic but they are recommended
  13. .Luke.

    How often do i spray water

    Spray 2 to 3 times a day more 2 unless the humidity is bad and spay for 3 minutes each
  14. .Luke.

    My veiled chameleon is very ill someone please help

    Ok also he could have impaction from the repti bark I know it looks good but it is bad for a Cham
  15. .Luke.

    My veiled chameleon is very ill someone please help

    That cage isn’t really the best you need branches and more spaces to clump also he could have MBD witch is lack of UVB light
  16. .Luke.

    Is these colours healthy??

    It looks stressed try to leave him alone and also he could be adapting to heat. But if it is like that all day get a husbandry check or something
  17. .Luke.

    Picky Eater

    When feeding the bugs if you cup feed... you can look that up but if you cup feed try to put greens in there with the bugs
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