Hi all,
I have a good size room-- much bigger than a kids bedroom. I don't know the exact size, I'll take a picture shortly.
The Veiled and Panther are free rangers-- but the free range is only surrounds their enclosure, it doesn't branch out to other parts of the room-- they have their own...
I got my Veiled from PetsSmart-- only thing they didnt have was misting and the cage was tiny- he barely moved when i saw him there-- they said legally they are supposed to keep meal worms there at all times, but they just stare at it. He's much happier now.
Ok-- there is a metal hanger on the light-- how far should I hang from the ceiling? from the chameleons head/back to the actual light -- the distance in inches? please-- thanks.
this is my new setup
it's not final yet- i just got my new place a week ago still in progress. any feed back on what wrong vs. what i need. thanks all.
pic: https://www.chameleonforums.com/members/unixmiah-albums-under-hood-picture31298-img-89721.jpg
I'm going to post better...