New setup -- roaming setup [images updated]


New Member
this is my new setup
it's not final yet- i just got my new place a week ago still in progress. any feed back on what wrong vs. what i need. thanks all.



I'm going to post better pictures and close ups. this is a terrible picture-- it look better in person.

[image update]

Little guy sleeping last night: when hes at sleep, nothing can wake him up-- not even water, rub, grab, poke -- he doesn't get disturbed when he sleeps.

First attempt at starting a Cricket colony: Hope it works out.

My Veiled is shedding:

Lights rests on top of enclosure usually:

He does that in the AM-- goes in the exact spot every morning where he knows he's food is going to be coming in from:

He loves the bamboo tree-- it's not slippery, he did fall a few times-- so I replaced smooth bamboo with an actual bamboo branch. There is a bamboo forest nearby.

another bamboo climbing shot: He swings from them like a monkey from branch to branch.
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Having the lights on top like that, without any kind of barrier between them and your chameleon is DANGEROUS. He could come in contact with that and burn himself. You need to lift it above so he can't access it if you plan on this kind of setup.
From the picture it looks like it's eventually going to fall, the light. Can't see anything holding it.
Ok-- there is a metal hanger on the light-- how far should I hang from the ceiling? from the chameleons head/back to the actual light -- the distance in inches? please-- thanks.
I'm trying to find out what's the distance to hang the light from the ceiling. I'm waiting on a feedback.
Most important thing for basking is the temperature, not the distance. You want to measure the temp at the basking site and move the fixture accordingly. If the fixture gets too close and within reaching distance of the cham, use a stronger bulb and back it away.

The one concern I have is that the entire setup seems low to the ground and chameleons usually like to be up high or at least have the ability to move higher when they need to. You may find your chameleon finding new "free-ranges" around the house that offer some additional height :D.
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