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  1. Roni013

    Chameleon art! I'll draw your pet!

    Can you make a watercolor of non-chameleon pets? I'd love a pic of my cham but a pic of my dog would be fun too :D
  2. Roni013

    What do you want for Christmas?

    a new custom cham cage and a Wii :D
  3. Roni013

    Pomona Super Show in So. California

    I'm starting to save up now! I've never been to a 'super' show, I'd love to see all the forum people there. We should plan a group outing or something fun. Count me in, even if I have to sell a kidney I will find a way! p.s.- kevin, could you clean out Lenny's cage so I have a place to stay :p
  4. Roni013


    You can have many females together, its the males you dont want too many of in one space.Thiers no reason you have to get a male, cb/ch females are better if you wanna be sure nobody is already preggers too. I've heard its 1 pygmy per 10 gallons of space. Remember to put lots of foliage and...
  5. Roni013

    The many colors of Yoshi

    Guilty! But thanks to my chambuddies who stuck by me even when I was chamless I realized thier was nothing I could have done for my 1st carpet (died shortly after being shipped in near dead conditions). They supported (and sometimes insisted ;)) I give it one more try. Luckily I found a CB...
  6. Roni013

    The many colors of Yoshi

    So its been a while since I've posted some pics of Yoshi so while I cage cleaning I decided to snap a few shots. I love how diffrent he looks in a matter of minutes.
  7. Roni013

    my girlfriend from russia

    I hope the e-mail u send has some choice 4 letter words for her. What a waste of your time and emotions. I'd be pissed off (even though we kinda told you so ;)) Id send her one more with a big F-U then block her e-mail address. Keep a watch on your accounts just incase (sometimes they fish for...
  8. Roni013

    Question for experience dog ownere/trainers

    Pyometra is literally puss in the uterus (i know, ew) Its important to be aware of for any dog owner because it can come on suddenly and result in death if left untreated. Im surprised your vet didnt tell you about this, it is a risk with any unspayed female but more so the more heat cycles...
  9. Roni013

    Question for experience dog ownere/trainers

    I think u should let her have the duck, poor thing. I also reccomend spaying, the more heat cycles she goes thorough and the more false pregnancies, the higher her chances of a pyometra (trust me, you dont want to have to pay for the surgery to fix that). She should snap out of the whole 'duck...
  10. Roni013

    my girlfriend from russia

    I am not one to put down internet meeting, thats how I met my boyfriend who I have been with for 7 years. Keeping that in mind I have to say if it seems too good to be true it probably is. Don't let yourself get hurt, I wouldnt offer any money to her at all, even if she does visit you. Just be...
  11. Roni013

    Winning cham for October

    "I'm sorry, awards should be given to those that deserve it, not those that feel like the bar should be dropped because they aren't good enough at the task that the award is for." I'm not asking for the bar to be dropped. I was just under the impression that Brad was trying to let forum...
  12. Roni013

    Winning cham for October

    I agree judges are needed to weed out all the excess photos to give us a few to choose from, voting on 50+ photos would just be kind of crazy and it wouldnt work well. After that though why not leave it up to the people? Sure it's not how our country works but don't we all wish it did...
  13. Roni013

    Jacksonii, Meller, Carpets and Panthers.. Something for everyone

    Miss Piggy is beautiful, I can't wait until someday I have a female of my own. What beautiful, healthy, happy looking chams you got thier, great job!
  14. Roni013

    thanks Gesang for the great Sambava!

    congrats on your new family memeber! He is super cute, btw I like Danboro as a name, not sure why, just sounds cool, either way can't go wrong with japanese names. Good luck with him!
  15. Roni013

    New to the Cham Family

    Carpet chams are awsome, just make sure you put in the extra money and get CB from a repitable breeder. I am a newbie cham owner but I just had to have something a little more exotic than a veiled. Also I love how small they are. They go through the most beautiful color changes, sometimes I just...
  16. Roni013

    Chameleons from the classified section

    I second the researching prices BEFORE you buy. Depending on the type of chameleon you want and the gender you want cage size can vary, bigger cages cost more of course. Then after youve bought the setup, lights, humidity tool (mister, dripper ect) thiers the food. Some bigger chams can eat a...
  17. IMG 0253

    IMG 0253

  18. IMG 0247

    IMG 0247

  19. Yoshi


  20. Roni013

    Carpet Pics

    I love all the diffrent color variations you see in carpets, very nice job capturing them. If you breed that female I'd love to see more receptive pics, they are so cute when thier trying to attract some love :D
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