The many colors of Yoshi


New Member
So its been a while since I've posted some pics of Yoshi so while I cage cleaning I decided to snap a few shots. I love how diffrent he looks in a matter of minutes.


Very very nice. Correct me if I am wrong. Werent you the one that said you didnt want to have another cham because something went wrong. If so I am glad you decided to give it another chance. What a beautiful chameleon! Keep up the great work:D
LOL, it took some goating, but the live chat eventually got her to think about it. and if i recall she met pamschams and it went from there!..

LOL...he's lookin great.
Very very nice. Correct me if I am wrong. Werent you the one that said you didnt want to have another cham because something went wrong. If so I am glad you decided to give it another chance. What a beautiful chameleon! Keep up the great work:D

Guilty! But thanks to my chambuddies who stuck by me even when I was chamless I realized thier was nothing I could have done for my 1st carpet (died shortly after being shipped in near dead conditions). They supported (and sometimes insisted ;)) I give it one more try. Luckily I found a CB carpet a a reptile show, so I got to bypass the whole shipping thing and got a beautiful, healthy cham! Thanks for all the comments, Yoshi is really a great cham, I wish I was a better photographer to really capture his beauty.

ps- thanx also to all my cham buddies that helped make this moment possible :D *moment of cheezyness* :D
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