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  1. P

    could use a little help.

    Basically unflavored pedialyte contains a ton of electrolytes and vitamins not only for a baby but a chameleon can drink it or be soaked in 50/50 water and pedialyte. You just put them in for about 15 min and make sure there vent is submerged and it will be absorbed through there it replenishes...
  2. P


    Yeah it's cheaper in my opinion but whatever works best for you. And if you wanna put a plant on it and are afraid it might rip through you can always screw some plexi glass like material under it and screw holes in it. I did that with one of my enclosure
  3. P

    could use a little help.

    Thank you so much and yes I will def look into horn worms or silk worms for my female. And I do have a bowl in there for my male he eats like crazy. But that's okay I don't mind helping him. I usually just pull the crickets back legs off and place them in it so they can't get out and I...
  4. P


    i just replaced the bottoms of my chameleon enclosures with screen and placed them over a tub. and that works out great. it's really easy to clean havn't had any problems.
  5. P

    could use a little help.

    so i need some help. i have two veiled chameleons and ones tongue isn't sticky. i bought him like that. he was in poor condition and near death when i got him. He wouldn't eat or drink but now he eats and drinks and is a fat chameleon. But i basically have to help him eat because he can't catch...
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