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  1. camaleonte82

    Lightning bugs from hell!

    The enzyme luciferase acts on the luciferin, in the presence of magnesium ions, ATP, and oxygen to produce light. The toxins, called "lucibufagins," are chemically related to cardiotoxins found in toads and plants. Signs of firefly poisoning commonly occur within 30 minutes of ingestion...
  2. camaleonte82

    New cage set up!!!

    they sell stuff for the bottom of reptile cages at pet stores and i know a few members on here use foam sheets (like the ones used in middle school) on the bottom. free range is done and some members do free range year round. but only adult chams, there are alot of dangers for smaller ones. so...
  3. camaleonte82

    Lightning bugs from hell!

    Source: Wikipedia (so dont believe every word entirely without opinions of others)lol Light production in fireflies is due to a type of chemical reaction called bioluminescence. This process occurs in specialised light-emitting organs, usually on a firefly's lower abdomen. The enzyme luciferase...
  4. camaleonte82


    oh.... i must have misread that.... ewwww..... thats sad :( ignore my post then... thanks Kmw for pointing that out
  5. camaleonte82

    my chameleon doesnt care for hornworms

    do you cup feed? if so maybe try a hornworm in with a couple other bugs at the same time. if its still left after the others he just might not like it period lol
  6. camaleonte82

    New cage set up!!!

    Not to be rude but its not about what you want its about what your chameleon needs... i find it unsettling that you say "is a lizard" (i'm assuming you meant "it's').. that shows me you dont have respect for your chameleon like you should. HE is NOT just a lizard, HE is a LIVING BREATHING...
  7. camaleonte82

    New Moderators

    Excellent! hehehe. ;) congrats on the "promotion" lol.
  8. camaleonte82

    Feeders :D i use em for chams and my best friend uses them for anoles and my co-worker uses them for beardies
  9. camaleonte82

    Too big

    that is a bit big for him. the rule of thumb is it should not be bigger than the space between their eyes (thats how big their throat it.. approx)
  10. camaleonte82

    Too big

    depending on how handle-able he is, he might fight a little but you could tug it gently to get it out or at least try to maybe break most of it off so its smaller
  11. camaleonte82

    New Moderators

    YAY!!!!CONGRATS!!!! love all three of them!!! :D
  12. camaleonte82

    Plants at Walmart?!

    Walmarts Plant season is over. as of now all they will be getting is fall flowers. your walmart might get another shipment of indoor tropicals but thats it. i work at the garden center in walmart. we have lots of cham safe plants but by now not many are left. and dont expect lower prices...
  13. camaleonte82

    buying in bulk

    i love pillbugs... my chameleons do as well lol
  14. camaleonte82


    this should help :)
  15. camaleonte82

    Lowe's substrate?

    having multiple animals from different parts of the world is just begging for trouble. evolution is not a word that means humans came from monkeys. it means species change and adapt to their environment. and all those species changed in different ways according to their home land and keeping...
  16. camaleonte82

    Lowe's substrate?

    agreed. my veiled female would eat shed cricket skin off the bottom of the cage if i didnt clean it. they are little boogers sometimes. besides. no substrate makes clean up easier :( i agree. :eek: that kind of worries me :confused:
  17. camaleonte82

    Can you sex them?

    haha :D ...
  18. camaleonte82


    so. we are kind of excited bc we talked to our housing office and hopfully next spring we will be transferring from our apt just down the road to a new apt building. the reason is because the other buildings come with outside decks. so we were thinking about keeping the chameleons outside (in...
  19. camaleonte82

    Can you sex them?

    Smart Butt. :P i chose my words carefully bc i know there are children on this forum :P you Europeans are all the same haha :P
  20. camaleonte82

    Can you sex them?

    what are they? panthers?
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