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  1. C

    Cham yellow dont know why

    The scales are normal She is a eight month old female veiled . The scales look fine just changed colour and she has sunken eyes which she sometimes closes. Do they sleep in the day sometimes
  2. C

    Cham yellow dont know why

    Hi parts of my cham just spots on the body are going slightly yellow don't know what to do:confused: Also are slightly sunken eyes the sign of dehydration
  3. C

    What colour should a healthy tongue be ?

    Thanks My veiled tongue is pink don't have a good enough camera for a pic though
  4. C

    What colour should a healthy tongue be ?

    Hi, just wanted to find out what a healthy veiled chams tongue should be like?:confused:
  5. C

    Should she eat bark

    Thanks the person I got her from said bark was best, but I'll take your word for it:)
  6. C

    Should she eat bark

    Hi this is my first post, and I'm just not sure if my veiled chameleon venus should be eating the bark she only eats small amounts what should I do?:confused:
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