Cham yellow dont know why

Yellow is never a good colour in chameleons. If the eyes are sunken too then there is something very wrong.

I have a calyptratus now with mouth rot and the entire jaw is yellow.

Go to the vet asap
Please post some pictures and fill out the questionaire in this thread...

You didn't say whether its a male or female or what species or age it is....and your description isn't good enough for us to give you any help.

The only thing I can say is what PaulR said about it not being a good thing when the eyes are sinking in. It would be best to get it to a vet ASAP.
Offer your cham more dripping water and increased misting duration/frequency.

Are the scales normal but just yellow?

My veiled has plenty of yellow in him that he didnt show until he was an adult.

You would have a problem if it is a rash, infection or something like that.

Can you post a pic or describe in more detail?

The scales are normal

She is a eight month old female veiled . The scales look fine just changed colour and she has sunken eyes which she sometimes closes. Do they sleep in the day sometimes
no they should not sleep during the day, that is a sign that something is very wrong, get here to a vet asap! and if you could still fill out the ask for help form we can give you advice
Yellow on a female means she is now mature. Does she have a laying bin? If she doesn't, get one in ASAP. It should be able to hold 10-12 inches of moist sand, soil, or a mix of the two and should be big enough for her to comfortably fit in with a few inches on all sides of her including above her. Make sure the substrate is moist enough to dig a tunnel.

A vet visit would be a very good thing, and x-rays would help to see if she has eggs.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE fill out the form others have linked to. It will only take a few minutes to fill out and it will help us help you and your chameleon. Be thorough and follow the format.

And try to include photos, even if they are only cell phone pics or something. But by only giving us small tid bits of information we can only guess, and not always well. But with the dehydration, it would be benefitial to provide her with a long shower, minimum of 30 minutes. Either use a hand-held mister or stick her on a plant in the shower and point the water at a wall so it bounces off onto her.
Because she is sleeping during the day and her eyes are sunken in, IMHO there is no time to waste trying out things, you need to get her to a vet right away or you will likely lose her.
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