I hope so! I left the cup in for a few days, but the same number of roaches came out. Gave him some time off and tried again this week, but it isn't looking good. Did you just only put food in the cup and not let any roam free?
Success! Misting brought the mid-80s down into the 70s. He wasn't thrilled with the transport but seemed pretty content when he was in his tree for a few minutes. Once he found a secure spot he fanned out to catch some rays, then snatched a blue bottle fly. Half an hour was his limit, though...
Will do! He gets a little freaked still if I take him just across the room away from his cage, but we will work on that. I'll get his schefflerra all ready and maybe that will go over better. The dogs will be staying inside haha
Haha thanks! he really is adorable :love:
I would love to take him outside but it has been really hot here recently and he doesn't do well over mid-70s. One of these cooler sunny days it is gonna happen! Mister in tow, of course haha
Look who is warming up to the place!! The other day I left the cage door open and sat by it; after about 10 minutes he made his way out to me. He chilled on my arm for about a minute before looking a little stressed so back in he went. Same thing two days later but he came out quicker and I had...
Oh I am super careful! I kept him close with a hand underneath. Then I ended up being completely useless when trying to move his cage to paint... told my husband I would put him in the little tree while we both moved the cage. Well, I put him in the tree and then got paranoid he was going to...
So I asked my dad to build a cage for me and he did a wonderful job.... A little off-plan and bigger than expected, but it rocks! This thing is 4 feet high and about 2x2.5 feet inside. The top is removable like a lid, the cage is removable from the stand, and the stand is a cupboard to house the...
Thanks!! I'm obsessed with him already Haha
And guess what.... I had to move his cage today to paint the room he is in. I took him out so he wasn't jostled too much and put him on the schefflera. He actually tolerated me pretty well! He was gonna jump and explore it seemed so I stopped him. He...
Things I need to remember: Olivander is only 3.5 months old, and that I've only had him for about 2 weeks.
This is my mantra lately because I just want him to like me!!! Hahaha I want him to take tasty treats from my hand - or at least some tweezers. I want him to be ok with coming to me so I...