He must feel better for passing this monster!!!!


New Member
Just had him out to clean his viv and remove this plastic carpet that he came with. He then passed this shocker.... now there is a tiny bit of orange in it but the one before was very orange so at least I know he is hydrating now. Maybe it was the move that upset his routine and stopped him drinking. I have seen him drinking since I had him Monday. Are their poops usually this big as the only other one he has passed was about 2 cm long


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I tried my best not to click the title of this forum post already knowing what some sicko posted a picture of...

...but I couldn't help myself.
Haha. It's huge!!!! I am a nurse so can eat a full meal whilst watching open heart surgery lol. I am new to cham keeping as I rehomed this sickly guy and didn't know if this was a normal poop. Let's see how many other people open Pandora's box and look at this post hahahaha
My last cham (a graceful) would normally go for 2-3 weeks without pooping and pass something like that! Hahaha he always looked skinnier afterwards
So restricted here in the UK for foods for him to try to get him to eat. We can't get silkworms butter worms hornworms and stuff like that. We can get what we call morios which I think are superworms. With his last owner he would only eat locust although I have got him to eat a few mealworms in the last few days. I am going to a reptile shop tomorrow to see what they have. He really is thin although well hydrated
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