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  1. chamdan

    Lost my Cham outside ideas?

    Your best bet is to look at night with a high powered flash light look at the edge of branches, during the day time it will be hard to find unless you spot it basking in an open area. Best of luck don't give up.
  2. chamdan

    Panacur question

    Good to know thank you
  3. chamdan

    Comment by 'chamdan' in media 'Arthas May 2016'

    Thanks man yeah they are my favorite species
  4. chamdan

    Panacur question

    Do you do it once a year etc usually, is it safe or can it be harmful to the chameleon?
  5. Arthas May 2016

    Arthas May 2016

  6. chamdan

    Panacur question

    Hey everyone I was wondering what your thoughts were on Panacur and if anyone has used it on their chameleons etc please let me know feed back thank you!
  7. chamdan

    Picture for Joel

    This picture is awesome! Are you selling any quad chameleons currently or is anyone on here currently breeding or selling quad chameleons Ive always wanted one they are my second favorite species aside from jackson's.
  8. chamdan

    Comment by 'chamdan' in media 'Arthos'

    Def! I love the jackson's chameleon they are the coolest species!
  9. Arthas The King!

    Arthas The King!

    Big man Arthas
  10. chamdan

    Best Multivitamin

    Thanks guys
  11. chamdan

    Best Multivitamin

    Hey everyone I had a quick question about what all of your opinions are on the best multivitamin
  12. chamdan

    Comment by 'chamdan' in media 'Calumma Parsoni'

    This picture is gonna win this months contest def! This is an awesome shot.
  13. chamdan

    My Chameleon Family!!

    Durza looks awesome!
  14. chamdan

    February 2016 Photo Contest

    Do we send a private email to Brad if we have a question about our entry. I don't see my female jackson's chameleon pic I entered up there in the voting tab =(
  15. chamdan

    Comment by 'chamdan' in media 'On the Hunt!'

    This shot is incredible...that is one awesome looking Meller's chameleon. Looks like a dinosaur.
  16. chamdan

    Dehydrated ?

    Yeah jajeanpierre is right you really need to take him to the vet so they can get some fluids in him it is crucial for his survival at this point.
  17. chamdan

    Dehydrated ?

    Honestly if you have a syringe I would advise filling it up with some water and either trying to offer him some water in the syringe or force feeding just so he has something in his system.
  18. chamdan

    Possibly sick veiled chameleon

    Make sure you are misting him several times a day, also what lighting are you using make sure you have new UVB etc and dusting his crickets with calcium young veileds can develop MBD especially if they don't have the proper nutrition/lighting/vitamins etc.
  19. chamdan

    Comment by 'chamdan' in media 'Yoshi'

    This is a great shot! I try getting the head on shots with my male jackson's Arthos but its hard because the horns don't focus well in the image.
  20. Female Jackson's Chameleon (June) February 2016 Contest Entry

    Female Jackson's Chameleon (June) February 2016 Contest Entry

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