Possibly sick veiled chameleon


New Member
i recently purchased a veiled chameleon and suddenly has been sleeping during the day he also has not been eating anything I've given him . His regular temperature is in the 75 and his basking is 93 I have a 5.0 uvb lightbulb and Fred him worms and crickets mainly crickets . I gut load the crickets and have a monsoon mister that sprays 20 seconds every hour I have no idea what I'm doing wrong I need some help o wether I should take him to the vet or what I need to change .


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Recently just purchased a 3 month old veiled chameleon he's been fine the past month I've had him but recently he has sunken in eyes and Isint eating anymore crickets need help


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Make sure you are misting him several times a day, also what lighting are you using make sure you have new UVB etc and dusting his crickets with calcium young veileds can develop MBD especially if they don't have the proper nutrition/lighting/vitamins etc.
Hello, I'm no professional maybe someone with more experience could offer some advice.
but I think ur uvb should be higher than a 5.0 .
If he was mine id take him to get check, they could give some fluids and calcium boost!! Hope he feels better soon.
I'm misting him daily I'm using these bulbs he's just not eating anything lately he used to eat 5+ crickets a day


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#1 rule is never buy from petco or petsmart/chain store. they see these beautiful creatures as just a $ to them. i bought my first cham from a petco and regretted it he was riddled with parasites and dehydrated also had an eye infection after the first 2 days i brought him home. He looked healthy their but when i brought him home it just went downhill, even with the proper setup and lighting. word of advised schedule an appointment with your nearest Herp Vet to get him properly taken care of. and also hope he does better in the future
He is severely dehydrated you should get him into a shower right away then keep him misted and make sure you have a dripper going even a plastic cup with a pin hole will do if you don't have a dripper
Sorry to hear you are having troubles with the little chameleon.
Also can you fill this out https://www.chameleonforums.com/threads/how-to-ask-for-help.66/ and paste it here. Also it if possible post good clear pics of the husbandry and of the chameleon. It will help us try and guide you a little it to getting the chameleon feeling better.
He sadly passed last night dident make it to his appointment Still have no idea what was wrong with him he turned sick so quickly
Sorry for your loss. His enclosure looked real good other than his UVB bulb may have been too far above the enclosure the farther away the less UVB you get. I doubt it was anything you done you really hadn't had him that long he was probably sick when you got him. If you do decide to adventure into cham keeping again next time I would suggest you get it from a reputable breeder it may cost a little more, but this headache could be avoided.
Are you letting the cage dry out between misting? misting every hour seems a lot. I usually mist only twice a day once in the morning once in the after noon. Also make sure there is no fungus or bacteria growing from the excessive misting.
Sorry to hear about your loss. For what it's worth, I imagine he had health issues when you brought him home. Chams. are really good at hiding symptoms. That said, if you get him from a reputable breeder..........
my condolences , i hope this site can help you better provide for your next chameleon and if you have questions do not hesitate to ask.
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