Change the bulb yeah it may not be causing the problem but veiled chameleons can get MBD without proper lighting and dusting. I would recommend changing the uvb bulb asap and increasing his misting times with some warm water throughout the day. The bulb change alone could actually make a huge...
Yea I have all jackson's chameleons, are your exo terra set ups vivariums with live plants etc? Do you have more pictures of your exo terra enclosures I would love to see them esp the ones for your jacksons and quad chams.
Have you had an problems with the exo terra enclosures with the chameleons breathing etc? or the reflections . I am looking to build a vivarium style enclosure with live plants but was hesitant due to the fact that ppl usually say how bad it is for chameleons inside glass tanks
She is a xantholopus jackson's and her horn won't continue to grow I don't think, many of the female jackson's lose their horns growing up so I'm glad she still has hers!
Dude those look awesome! where did you get a jacksonii jacksonii pair? I would suggest spraying him with warm water as you mist down his enclosure this way he can drink and help the shed at the same time. It def looks like the female is gravid from that top view as well.
Yeah Im going to put it in the next photo contest I think...this is my female jacksons she is about a year and a half old. Very friendly and tame. She doesn't mind when I try to hold her or take pictures she isn't scared of the camera.
Hey has anyone used this product ? Any seasoned keepers use this product as either a supplement or as a treatment for parasites etc? I saw a post on this so I wanted to see what everyones thoughts are on this stuff.
Check for a sinus infection you should bring him to the vet sometimes respiratory issues or a sinus infection can cause eye issues. How is the ventilation in your enclosure?