Avid Member
I just got a pair of Jacksonii Jacksonii two days ago via Snakes at Sunset. I have wanted to add a pair of this species to my crew for a couple of years. Now I have all three subspecies in my care. The female is greening up but the male is still pretty dark in color but is alert and eating fine. I think he just needs more time to settle in. The female appears to me to be gravid. Does she look gravid to you? Also, the male arrived in the midst of a full body shed. Tonight, when I looked in on him, the old skin made him look almost furry. The picture is a bit dark as he was resting in a cool/shaded part of his enclosure. I am wondering if I should spray him with some shedding aid or if it is best to just let him be during his adjustment period. What do you think?