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  1. chamdan

    Medicine for Gout

    Theres nothing you can do for their kidneys? No treatment or that allopurinol medication?
  2. chamdan

    Medicine for Gout

    Vet hasn't confirmed it yet he said blood work is next step. What is renal failure exactly in chameleons?
  3. chamdan

    Medicine for Gout

    Hey everyone I was interested to know if anyone knows the medicine usually given to a chameleon that has gout? I have been reading all the information on the forums and can't find a specific medicine for treatment if there is one.
  4. chamdan

    Chameleon Artwork

    Thank you !
  5. Arthos


  6. Arthos


  7. Arthos


  8. Arthos


  9. chamdan

    Need expert opinion on X-rays please help thank you

    Vet said everything looked good to him but my friend said his chameleon is still lethargic and sleeping during day.
  10. chamdan

    Need expert opinion on X-rays please help thank you

    Here is the side view he sent me I forgot to upload it earlier, thank you all.
  11. chamdan

    Need expert opinion on X-rays please help thank you

    Yeah my friends cham has been very lethargic so he took it to get a stool sample done for parasites and an X-ray to make sure there wasn't something he was missing. Ok I will definitely ask him for a more in depth analysis.
  12. chamdan

    Need expert opinion on X-rays please help thank you

    To the more experienced chameleon owners who have looked at chameleon x rays before I need help helping my friend with figuring out if anything is wrong with these x rays or if they look normal thank you!
  13. chamdan

    Friends chameleon x rays

    Hey everyone a buddy of mine sent these to me and I don't know much about reading x rays but how do these look to you guys...this chameleon he has had for about 5 years I think so far. How do these look to you guys !
  14. chamdan

    Swollen eyes?

    Have the vet also check for an upper respiratory infection as well sometimes it can affect the eyes as well.
  15. chamdan

    Finally got my Parsons!

    This is so good
  16. chamdan

    Chameleon Artwork

    If you guys are interested in artwork of your own chameleons or specific pictures of your chameleons PM me!
  17. chamdan

    Chameleon Artwork

  18. chamdan

    Chameleon Artwork

    Hey everyone here is a drawing I did of my Jacksons chameleon Arthos. I ended up putting it on a tshirt as well so I wanted to share this with all of you! If you guys want any drawings of your chameleons PM for for details!
  19. chamdan

    CBB Johnstoni

    Thats a great picture. Awesome looking chameleon, the colors are impressive.
  20. chamdan

    Comment by 'chamdan' in media 'Arthos'

    Nice! Yea I am working on getting some better ones in focus, he is so used to me that he doesn't care if I have the camera in his face, I have had him for years.
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