Yeah, I need to save up for a bunch of live plants, but the only problem is that the cage isn't by a window, so I'm not sure if they will stay alive. I'm planning to upgrade him to a much larger cage when he gets a bit bigger, so I'll probably add all live plants in there
Another update. He's only eaten one cricket since making the last update. He's not sleeping during the day, he seems active and is watching my put his bugs in his cages as well as a few near him. His urates are white so at least I know he's drinking some. He could totally be eating other...
Update: this morning I got him to eat 3 bugs when he woke up. Theres a forth one near him but hes just looking at it. I havent seen him drink today but he might when I'm at school. The bugs legs were ripped off so he could eat them, because when I put them on a stick infront of him and they...
I'd say the highest point is 4 1/2 inches away from the ubv bulb, although he likes to climb some leaves that are even closer to the heatlamp sometimes. He usually doesnt go this close though, and stays in the lowest part of his basking branch, which is about 7 inches. (Just because the branch...
The breeders said they fed them crickets and meal worms. They also told me to double check my temps- He was doing really well a few days ago, and i haven't handled him at all in between, so it might just be from shock as you mentioned. I do hope he eats soon, as i don't want him to die though...
My chameleon:
Hes a ambilobe panther chameleon. Male. I've had him for b days and he is a juvenile, (is what the breeders told me) so I'm assuming a few months old.
I try not to even touch him much. I had to move his cage so I had to handle him during that. I've probably only touched...
They're both in a feeder and roaming. I can only get smaller crickets this Wednesday and the crickets i have are normal size. They're not too big for him but that might be it.
The mister I have only has the settings i mentioned before. I can only mist every 1 hour, 3 hours, 5 hours, and 12...
Do I just leave him be? I dont think hes gonna eat any time soon and I have ti go to school tomorrow, the pet store is getting small crickets in 2 days and the closest reptile hospital is 3 hours away. If it comes to a vet I'll have to convince my parents to drive me. I've asked them before I...
I tried dropping some water on his nose, but hes not even opening his mouth. I'm trying not to like go at him too fast so I'm gonna leave him for a but with his mister on. What should I do?I have school tomorrow and im gone for 8 hours so no one can check on him. I dont think hes gonna drink on...
My chameleon:
Hes a ambilobe panther chameleon. Male. I've had him for 6 days and he is a juvenile, (is what the breeders told me) so I'm assuming a few months old.
I try not to even touch him much. I had to move his cage so I had to handle him during that. I've probably only touched...
I made the feeder run and he didnt touch anything. No where near me sells small crickets until Wednesday and if I order them online they'd get here next week. I just smashed crickets with water so its liquid and I made sure to stay clear of the airway. It wasnt a lot and hes not choking but I'm...
I couldn't get him to eat in 6 days at all. I tried and I could only get a syringe today. I've fed him a little less than 1ml and I watched him swallow. I dont think he's choking because he's not gaping or swaying too much. How much do I feed him today and how much do I increase by? How often do...
I'll have to save up for live plants. I did make one of the jug things so I'll put that in their. He just opens his mouth at them like their gonna eat him.