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My chameleon:
Hes a ambilobe panther chameleon. Male. I've had him for b days and he is a juvenile, (is what the breeders told me) so I'm assuming a few months old.
I try not to even touch him much. I had to move his cage so I had to handle him during that. I've probably only touched him the day I got him, (putting him in his cage and making sure he looks fine). The day after and yesterday.
I'm placing about 8 crickets in his cage. Supplementing them with calcium no d3 for 5 days, calcium with d3 for one and a multivitamin for one, once a month. Although he hasent eating much. The brands are zoo meds repti calcium no d3, rep-cal calcium with d3, rep-cal multivitamins. I have some free roaming, and some in a home-made feeder thing where they climb up. I also place some on branches where he is near. They are small crickets, smaller than the width between his eyes.
I mist for 3 minuets in the morning before i leave. during the day i mist one minuet every three hours in the evnings and at night, then another 3 minuets before he goes to bed
The urates are now more of a creme color with a bit of yellow at the end. He has not been tested. There are no reptile vets near me that I know of.
nothing that i know of
It's a screen reptibreeze large cage, 18 x 18 x 36.
I use a reptile basking bulb for heating, and a reptisun t5 HO 5.0 15w ubv light I have him on for 12 and off for 12
It's usually 65-61 at the bottom, and near 84 at the top I use two thermometers, one bottom and one top and a digital humidity gauge. I also have a thermostat for the head bulb set to 83-84
The lowest overnight temp is 60-55.
i try to keep it in the mid 70s in the middle of the cage
I'm not able to use live plants, I use fake ones. I am planning to save up and upgrade his cage to a much bigger one and get live plants.
My cage is in my room with a small curtain over the door so he doesn't see me. It's not by a fan and it's on top of my dresser, so high up. I have to use a stool to get to it.
I'm located in Utah.
He ate 3 crickets the 9th day i had him. That's the only time he ate, and i had to put the crickets in front of him or he wouldnt be interested. The legs were ripped off so they couldn't move, because he gets scared when they move (as in literally goes the opposite way they're crawling). The same day i saw him drinking more water, so i was assuming he was getting better. Its now been 2 days since then and i dont think he's eaten at all. When i got home from school he was a ligher brown, but now he's a bit dark.
Hes a ambilobe panther chameleon. Male. I've had him for b days and he is a juvenile, (is what the breeders told me) so I'm assuming a few months old.
I try not to even touch him much. I had to move his cage so I had to handle him during that. I've probably only touched him the day I got him, (putting him in his cage and making sure he looks fine). The day after and yesterday.
I'm placing about 8 crickets in his cage. Supplementing them with calcium no d3 for 5 days, calcium with d3 for one and a multivitamin for one, once a month. Although he hasent eating much. The brands are zoo meds repti calcium no d3, rep-cal calcium with d3, rep-cal multivitamins. I have some free roaming, and some in a home-made feeder thing where they climb up. I also place some on branches where he is near. They are small crickets, smaller than the width between his eyes.
I mist for 3 minuets in the morning before i leave. during the day i mist one minuet every three hours in the evnings and at night, then another 3 minuets before he goes to bed
The urates are now more of a creme color with a bit of yellow at the end. He has not been tested. There are no reptile vets near me that I know of.
nothing that i know of
It's a screen reptibreeze large cage, 18 x 18 x 36.
I use a reptile basking bulb for heating, and a reptisun t5 HO 5.0 15w ubv light I have him on for 12 and off for 12
It's usually 65-61 at the bottom, and near 84 at the top I use two thermometers, one bottom and one top and a digital humidity gauge. I also have a thermostat for the head bulb set to 83-84
The lowest overnight temp is 60-55.
i try to keep it in the mid 70s in the middle of the cage
I'm not able to use live plants, I use fake ones. I am planning to save up and upgrade his cage to a much bigger one and get live plants.
My cage is in my room with a small curtain over the door so he doesn't see me. It's not by a fan and it's on top of my dresser, so high up. I have to use a stool to get to it.
I'm located in Utah.
He ate 3 crickets the 9th day i had him. That's the only time he ate, and i had to put the crickets in front of him or he wouldnt be interested. The legs were ripped off so they couldn't move, because he gets scared when they move (as in literally goes the opposite way they're crawling). The same day i saw him drinking more water, so i was assuming he was getting better. Its now been 2 days since then and i dont think he's eaten at all. When i got home from school he was a ligher brown, but now he's a bit dark.