That's the earliest I heard that they incubated, that's a very large yolk sack that suggesting it wasn't the time, good luck, but I'm not sure if he/she makes it. What about the others?
I'm not an expert, after having troubles myself, I learn a lot and on the big pic, looks like a female, but some other pictures not so sure, but definitely only about 3 months old, no more.
You could leave him for a week, just put some plastic bottle or can on the top of the cage, like from coffee, make small hole so it slowly drips, fill it before you go and give him plenty food just before you go, and mist him and feed him well right when you comeback. I had female that refused...
I'm using the chameleon droppings, and when i did the raised bed, i used a lot of wood branches at the bottom, then top soil and mixed the organic compost with organic topsoil on top, all grows good, Crotons, Umbrellas, Ixoras. But then, Florida sun, makes difference.
There are several lights that will do that, and you set it up all from your phone, from time to intensity etc. Check your local salt water aquarium store. I've been using them years ago on all my coral reefs before I moved, so I know for sure they have them.
You were just wondering because he is not as bright, well he is only 8 months old, wait till he i about 18 months that should be his final color, but he seems very close to the above specimen so I would say so.
Looks like the top is male, but I'm not expert, just someone who had same issue lol, but not sure if it is just an angle of the camera, the shoot was taken from, but I don't like the left front leg how it's bent, not like in the knee, seems like MBD to me.