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  1. J

    Building a Shed for the chams? My Ideas.

    First of all I live in Southern California on the no MAJOR weather conditions...roughly as low as 40ࢧ in the winter and 100 in the summer... So I do concrete and Masonry for a living and have enough know how to frame up and put a roof yada yada yada I plan on doing 10 x 20' and...
  2. J

    Female wont show reception

    another picture of the female.
  3. J

    Female wont show reception

    been trying for a month about every 3 days she just hisses and gets intense...strikes... I'll add a bucket. could it be cage conditions? she eats and drinks like a champ reptisun 5.0 60 watt lamp plenty of water nice and warm sunlight
  4. J

    Female wont show reception

    Here is a picture of the female and male his head bobs like a mofo but she wont let him mount. I do have dirt in my hibiscus plant pot...not THAT much though??? so i'm not sure if she has retained eggs...but im sure she has never been bred. she came from jim at chameleon company. the...
  5. J

    Female wont show reception

    I've had a female for a little over 3 months and she is about a year old and still has dark black bars and hisses at all the males anyone know her problem? all I mess with is blue bar ambilobes
  6. J


    makes me feel like a moron..thanks...stupid questions are better then dead chams?
  7. J


    how humid is too humid? I have a humidifier in my room and my humidity is 51%....i walk in and feel nice and sticky... 51% sounds kinda koo koo...could this digital readout be funky? i just bought it to see what my room temp / humidity was and its 78ࢧ and 51% humidity?
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