Female wont show reception


New Member
I've had a female for a little over 3 months and she is about a year old and still has dark black bars and hisses at all the males anyone know her problem?

all I mess with is blue bar ambilobes
I read somewhere that said she might be gravid. has she laid a clutch of eggs yet (not fertile? )
Human females give me the same type of reaction. Let me know if you find the solution ;p

I agree with Zoey, probably needs to drop some infertile eggs.
She is showing that she is non-receptive or gravid. They can produce eggs even without being mated.

Have you provided a suitable place for her to lay eggs in the cage?
If she has to lay eggs and has no place to lay them she will die likely eggbound.
Here is a picture of the female and male
his head bobs like a mofo but she wont let him mount.

I do have dirt in my hibiscus plant pot...not THAT much though???
so i'm not sure if she has retained eggs...but im sure she has never been bred. she came from jim at chameleon company.

the other female we have is only 5 months and he wants to rape her even more and she doesn't argue it...but we wont let it happen for another few months...


she looks like she has eggs in there somewhere i would put another pot in there to make sure she has a place to drop them and make sure you give her a little more calcium than usual
been trying for a month about every 3 days
she just hisses and gets intense...strikes...
I'll add a bucket.
could it be cage conditions?
she eats and drinks like a champ
reptisun 5.0
60 watt lamp
plenty of water
nice and warm
I would just leave her in the cage a while and make sure they don't bite each other. I have had females hiss and hiss then gave in...I guess they are kind of like humans...JK

Anyways here is a pic of a gravid female that sees a male:

I think yours is showing receptive colors...even though she doesn't send him an invitation, just give it some time. Oh and I normally place the female in the males cage, I have found that the males get a little shy if they are in new environments.

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