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  1. n3td3v1l

    Will my Cham over eat?

    K thanks everyone. I'll just take Malkav to my friend's to stay for a week. He'll take good care of him. P.S. I live in Florida.
  2. n3td3v1l

    Will my Cham over eat?

    I have to go away for a week, a family friend will be watching my pets but she doesn't like crickets or my cham for that matter. Any suggestions?
  3. n3td3v1l

    Hello, I'm new.

    Got him at a random pet store. I forgot the name.
  4. n3td3v1l

    Hello, I'm new.

    Hi my name's Jer. I just purchased a veiled chameleon, his name is Malkav. So far he seems happy with his environment. Ate the second I got him home, and is very active. :D
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