Will my Cham over eat?


New Member
I have to go away for a week, a family friend will be watching my pets but she doesn't like crickets or my cham for that matter. Any suggestions?
I have to go away for a week, a family friend will be watching my pets but she doesn't like crickets or my cham for that matter. Any suggestions?

I suggest, asking another person who does like chams and crickets, other than that I got nothing.
I agree, try to find somebody else. It would not be a good idea to put a weeks worth of crickets in the cage.
Will your cham eat anything else that your friend will feed the cham?
If you are in southern California, I would more than happy to help you out.
If you have to use the person that doesn't like chams. then go buy some fat dubia roaches and let them feed those off. LOL :D
:eek: Chameleons don't know when to stop eating, if you put a weeks worth of food in the cage, they'll eat it all in the first couple days!
If you have to use the person that doesn't like chams. then go buy some fat dubia roaches and let them feed those off. LOL :D


Like mentioned I would find someone else, Lancecham has made a generous offer! If your not in So Cal may be there's someone else in you area that can help?
K thanks everyone. I'll just take Malkav to my friend's to stay for a week. He'll take good care of him.

P.S. I live in Florida.
Depending on the age of the cham he doesn't have to eat everyday. However, water, water, water is the most important part and must have everyday!
You could automate your water and not feed your cham for the week while you are away. If you have an adult cham that is otherwise healthy, there shouldn't be any ill effects. Weighing this up against the chance of over supplementing, over feeding and various other variables caused by putting your chameleon in the hands of someone who doesn't know what they are doing and doesn't like the job of looking after your cham, I know what I'd rather do.
I'm not leaving my chameleon in the care of my parents again for this very reason. I came home to find about 40 large black crickets in the cage with the chameleon, which my parents had went to a pet shop and bought in panic, after worrying why my chameleon wasn't eating much. I had divided crickets in boxes of ~6 crickets for each day I was away and had put in a substantial quantity of pupating wax moths inside the cage. I was only away for 4 days and the cham probably would have been better off without their intervention

Last time I went away, I had a friend who lived in my street come round twice a day and water + feed the cham. Th cham hardly ate anything during that time as he loses his appetite sometimes while shedding but I felt the chameleon was in better hands even though my friend had no prior chameleon experience. Next time, I'll just have him come round 3 times a week and feed the cham as my water will be automated by then. If they can check more often, great.

Another option is to put some pupating wax or silk moths in the cage and let them hatch but that is very uncontrollable and you don't really know how much you are feeding the cham. You could also let something else pupate inside the cage, like house flies or blue bottles but same issues as with moths.

Alternatively, there are quite a lot of Florida based keepers on here and one of them could look after your cham. That's probably what I'd do if I lived there knowing how good some of them are.
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