i got this veiled chameleon 2 months ago and the guy at the pet store told me it's a female, but just right now I noticed spurs on its back feet. The spurs are really tiny and not noticeable tho, also it's veil isn't really big and it doesn't have a fancy coloration but rather a dull green, so...
i have a 8 month old female veiled chameleon. I only have calcium with d3 right now and I dust the crickets with them almost everyday, but I heard you're only suppose to dust with d3 twice a month. What will happen to a chameleon if it's given d3 everyday?
I try to feed him crickets that are a little bigger than pin heads cuz I wanna stuff him with food so he'll never get hungry, I dust them with calcium+d3 every meal. I'm not really worrying about him getting too fat at this age I just want him to eat as much as possible and hopefully get a...
does the picture look like worms to you, and how do i get rid of them? youre talking about parasites right? im in taiwan right now and maybe the 3-4 month rule doesnt apply here.