Is my veiled a male or female and how is it looking

I got him from a pet store and they specialize in selling reptiles. I just took another picture of him and here's me comparing him to a coin lol. The coin pic is from 3 days ago and here's him today


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I noticed it too. Figured on old shed, too. Just watch it. One thing that screams red flag to me, though, is that he is SO TEENY TINY!! If you've already had him for 2 weeks, and those pictures are current, he was probably WAY too young to have been sold!! Do you know his actual hatch date? Where did you get him from? A breeder or store?
yes he only looks to be maybe 2 months old at the moment they shouldn't be sold till at least 3 months 4 is best.
yes he only looks to be maybe 2 months old at the moment they shouldn't be sold till at least 3 months 4 is best.
does the picture look like worms to you, and how do i get rid of them? youre talking about parasites right? im in taiwan right now and maybe the 3-4 month rule doesnt apply here.
It could be i can't really tell but either way its not a worm that will harm your chameleon right away eventually you will want to take care of it if it is but he looks healthy to me. Unlike most people think not all worms are harmful to chameleons yes there are some that do but alot of them can live with a chameleon its whole life with out hurting it.
It could be i can't really tell but either way its not a worm that will harm your chameleon right away eventually you will want to take care of it if it is but he looks healthy to me. Unlike most people think not all worms are harmful to chameleons yes there are some that do but alot of them can live with a chameleon its whole life with out hurting it.
what do i do with him not growing lol
The basking temp is around 95, I tried to get the black spot off and it did

Too hot!

The black is just skin damage, maybe from getting bitten by his clutchmates or his tail stuck somewhere. It should just heal and eventually you won't notice it. The tip looks like it might dry up and fall off at some point but who knows. Just keep an eye on it.

I have no idea about the lump on his side. I wouldn't worry about it myself. Just keep watching.
does the picture look like worms to you, and how do i get rid of them? youre talking about parasites right? im in taiwan right now and maybe the 3-4 month rule doesnt apply here.
Even if it doesn't apply there, it should! Think of him as being a neonate. Too little, too fragile, and too easily stressed. Just like human babies in the NICU. However, he dors look healthy, so just allow him to eat as much as he likes and make sure you have a good supplement program.
he isn't growing at all have you been weighing him?
I try to feed him crickets that are a little bigger than pin heads cuz I wanna stuff him with food so he'll never get hungry, I dust them with calcium+d3 every meal. I'm not really worrying about him getting too fat at this age I just want him to eat as much as possible and hopefully get a noticeable increase in size.
Weighing him is the only way to know for sure. I use a kitchen scale that measures in grams, and place a napkin holder on it. Zero it out and my cham climbs right on, because it looks like a tree branch to him. It's made of wood and is wide enough for him to get a secure grip. Make sure he isnt holding onto anything with his tale, and just keep a mental record of weights, each week, every other week, and eventually every month. Especially being so tiny, and the fact that they can fluff up with air makes it near impossible to eyeball it.
I try to feed him crickets that are a little bigger than pin heads cuz I wanna stuff him with food so he'll never get hungry, I dust them with calcium+d3 every meal. I'm not really worrying about him getting too fat at this age I just want him to eat as much as possible and hopefully get a noticeable increase in size.
Calcium +d3 at every meal will most likely kill him
I try to feed him crickets that are a little bigger than pin heads cuz I wanna stuff him with food so he'll never get hungry, I dust them with calcium+d3 every meal. I'm not really worrying about him getting too fat at this age I just want him to eat as much as possible and hopefully get a noticeable increase in size.
And read this it will have info on everything you need to know
Here is an update on his size please reply


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